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Other Government Involvement in RW

This section of the site provides information about the activites of the different levels of government, the various government departments and parliamanetary committees which have been or are involved in addressing Redfern - Waterloo issues.
City of Sydney
The Redfern Waterloo area now sits within the boundaries of the City of Sydney (CoS) Council after its amalgamation with South Sydney Council in early 2004. Planning control over part of the Redfern - Waterloo area which has been declared State Significant has been taken by the RWA from the CoS but Cos retain planning control for the rest of the area. CoS is also a significant supplier of human services in Redfern Waterloo as well as having responsibility for other community services. The RWA's broader involvement in Human Services and Employment and Enterprise and the non Built Environment components of the Redfern Waterloo Plan encompass the broader Redfern Waterloo area and require the RWA and CoS to interact over these issues. There are many historical links and tensions between the new RWA and the CoS which influences the RWA CoS relationship.
NSW Government
The NSW Government owns about one third of the land area of Redfern Waterloo. The NSW Government is also involed in delivering Human Services into the area inparticular into the areas of high disadvantage. The Premiers Department's Redfern Waterloo Partnership Project operated in the area from 2001 - 2005 attempting to bring the various Government Departments together to address the needs of the Redfern Waterloo communities.
NSW Parliament
The NSW Parliament has a number of standing committees as well as the ability to set up special committees to inquire into issues of communtiy or government concern. A number of Inquiries are undertaken by NSW Parliament which impact on Redfern Waterloo. In 2004 the Standing Committtee on Social Issues of the Legislative Council undertook an "Inquiry into Issues relating to Redfern & Waterloo". In 2008 the committee will conduct an Inquiry into Overcoming Aboriginal Social Disadvantage.
Planning System
The Planning system spans local, state and federal government. Here we have some information on how this system works.
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