City of Sydney
The Redfern Waterloo area now sits within the boundaries of the City of Sydney (CoS) Council after its amalgamation with South Sydney Council in early 2004. Planning control over part of the Redfern - Waterloo area which has been declared State Significant has been taken by the RWA from the CoS but Cos retain planning control for the rest of the area. CoS is also a significant supplier of human services in Redfern Waterloo as well as having responsibility for other community services. The RWA's broader involvement in Human Services and Employment and Enterprise and the non Built Environment components of the Redfern Waterloo Plan encompass the broader Redfern Waterloo area and require the RWA and CoS to interact over these issues. There are many historical links and tensions between the new RWA and the CoS which influences the RWA CoS relationship.
- RWA Involvement
- Given their overlapping areas and responsibilities the CoS and the RWA need to have a working relationship
- Alcohol Free Zones in Redfern Waterloo
- Alcohol Free Zones (AFZ) in Redfern Waterloo are proclaimed by the City of Sydney after public notification and evaluation of submissions. In March / April 2006 a number of areas in Redfern Waterloo were proposed as AFZs. Here we have collected some comments made in an update about the AFZ and the need for submissions as well as a response from the Redfern Police LAC Commander to the comments and some of the submissions supplied to us.
- CoS Agreeement with Metropolitan Aboriginal Land Council
- On April 11 2006 the City of Sydney and the Metropolitan Land Council signed an agreement of Cooperation. Details of the agreement and provided here
- Sustainable Sydney 2030
- The City of Sydney Council commenced a long term planning project for Sydney in 2007 and made public their Draft Sustainable Sydney 2030 Plan on 26th March 2008. Following the report being considered by Council it will go on exhibition from April 17 to may 31 2008. Here we have some links to the documents on exhibition and a summary showing specific references to Redfern Waterloo.
- City of Sydney City Plan on Exhibition Until 4 April 2011.
- The City Plan contains the new Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP) for the City of Sydney as well as the Draft Green Square Affordable Housing Program and the Draft City of Sydney Competitive Design Policy. These documents are the City Councils key planning controls and will guide future development in our city, promoting heritage, sustainability and liveability. Please take opportunity to look at the controls (height, floor space and land use etc) proposed for your part of the City.
- CoS DAs On Exhibition
- This is the link to the map of City of Sydney Council Development Applications which are currently on exhibition. DA's under $10m previously dealt with by the earlier Redfern Waterloo Authority are now handled by Council. DA's over $10m are handled by the Department of Planning.
- Council Decision on Abercrombie Street Upgrades - Feb 2012
- Council decided to proceed with its upgrade scoping proposal for Abercrombie Street with the addition of a flush road treatment at Ivy Street. It was also resolved that a scoping report be prepared for council covering areas not covered by the current scoping report including the Northern side of Abercrombie Street.
- Abercrombie Street upgrade
- An upgrade of the southern side of Abercrombie Street and a scoping study for the northern side was approved by Council at its February meeting. The upgrade involves the widening and paving of the southern side of Abercrombie Street between Ivy Street and Shepherd Street including the undergrounding of electricity delivery to buildings on the southern side writes Geoff Turnbull in the South Sydney Herald of March 2012.
- Abercrombie Street Upgrade Expanded Works Consultation - 2.30pm 8 December 2012 Dec 09, 2012 from 06:30 AM to 08:30 AM — Charles Kernan Reserve, Abercrombie Street, Darlington,
- Earlier this year it was decided by Council to look at a wider upgrade to the Darlington shop area and to include this into the already approved works on the southern side of the street. Council is undertaking an exhibition and review of the combined plans at a drop in session at the Charles Kernan Reserve, Abercrombie Street, Darlington, on Saturday 8 December from 2.30-4.30pm to review the new concept design, speak with City staff and give your feedback. Details from a letter to residents is below:
- Abercrombie Street Upgrade Plans Dec 2012
- This PDF shows the plans proposed for the Upgrade of both sides of Abercrombie Street by Council for community consultation in December 2012. Council will accept feedback at Charles Kernan Reserve from 2.30 to 4.30pm on Saturday 8th December 2012. Alerternatively within 10 days of this session you can provide comments to Kristin Gabriel on 02 9265 9333 or File is a large 5MB PDF.
- Proposed traffic changes, Abercrombie Street, Darlington - Until 12 Mar
- As part of the Abercrombie Street Darlington Upgrade council is proposing a number of local traffic changes. They are looking for feedback about the proposal. Submissions must be made in writing, quoting reference number 2013/029493, before 6pm on 12 March 2013. The details of the proposal are set out in the letter below:
- Proposed Abercrombie St Changes 2013
- Charles Kernan Reserve BBQ - Retain or Remove - by 8 March
- On 12 February Coucil wrote to residents arround the BBQ asking for their feedback following mixed coments received by Council about the well used BBQ. Below is the letter which REDWatch is circulating to those that use the BBQ but which migh be outside the Council notification area. Lawson St for example was not leafleted.
- Ivy and Lander Streets New traffic Island - Until 13 May 2013
- In January 2013 the City consulted with you in relation to traffic changes that were proposed as part of the Abercrombie Street upgrade between the Lawson Street and Shepherd Street intersection in order to receive some feedback on the changes to improve safety and pedestrian amenity in the area. Following this consultation with the community and the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) the following changes have been proposed to further improve safety and pedestrian amenity in these areas.
- Ivy St Traffic Island
- Changes map
- CoS Proposals On Exhibition and Community Consultation
- This is the link to non DA's On Exhibitions - this includes councils own plans, planning agreements, traffic etc.
- Botany Road Precinct
- On Monday 26 July 2021, Council unanimously accepted the planning proposal for the Botany Road Precinct. The proposal now goes to the Department of Planning Infrastructure and Environment (DPIE) for their assessment and approval to go on exhibition. Public exhibition is expected late 2021 or in 2022. In this section of the site we have provided information on the planning proposal for Botany Road.
- Clover Moore to REDWatch regarding Council Community Centres
- In February 2022 REDWatch became aware of questions circulating about the future of Council's Community Centres and facilities. REDWatch wrote to Council about what we had heard and asking for assurances that Redfern Community Centre and Waterloo Library would continue to service our local communities. The attached response from Lord Mayor Clover Moore provides these assurances and responds to some misinformation that is circulating. REDWatch is making the letter public so people have access to Council assurances regarding the future of council provided services in our area. REDWatch has run an optical character recognition (OCR) program across this letter so people can easily extract quotes from the letter however please check the copy against the visual text as errors can occur with OCR.
- City of Sydney Presentation - NSW Government housing changes - 13 February 2024
- This is the presentation given to City of Sydney resident groups on 13 February 2024 outlining the the NSW Government proposed changes to create Low and Mid-Rise Housing and how they will affect the City of Sydney.
- A summary of the City of Sydney’s draft submission on NSW Government’s proposed changes to create low and mid-rise housing
- The City of Sydney, at the request of resident groups, has supplied the following Summary of the key issues in the Council submission.
- How Should we plan for Growth - Council Presentation Slides 4 April 2024
- These are the presentation slides from the City of Sydney presentation to REDWatch on 4 April 2024. This presentation has two parts. Firstly it explains and responds to the NSW Government mid and low rise proposal to increase density around light and heavy rail stops and town centres. Secondly it explains how the City of Sydney goes about planning in a different way to accommodate the density required for the City. Irrespective of what happens with the NSW Government proposal the second part of the presentation will remain relevant into the future. You can see a video on Youtube of the presentation and slides as delivered at the REDWatch meeting. The link is
- Dealing with our inner NIMBY and the housing challenge
- In the lead up to the REDWatch meeting with Council on "How should we plan for growth?" in April 2024, the REDWatch Update email provided the following background to the issues facing communities. As we have received good feedback on the the article we have reproduced it on our website.