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Former Police Commander for Woman of the Year

During the last days in her role as Commander of Redfern Police, Catherine Burn was given a very affirming moment. Three people nominated her as NSW Woman of the Year. The first two were obviously gratifying – Police Minister John Watkins and Member for Heffron Kristina Keneally writes Dorothy McRae-McMahon in the South Sydney Herald February 2007.

However, the third nomination came from a source which said everything about Catherine Burn’s time in Redfern. It came from Aboriginal leader Mickey Mundine. Also present at the media gathering and comfortably talking with Catherine, was Gail Hickey, the mother of TJ Hickey.

As the SSH spoke with those present, it was said that Commander Catherine Burn “changed the police culture in the area.” “She walks among the people and chats with us so that we can get to know each other and she can understand things better”. “She is often over at the Block to see the good programs we are doing and listening to our ideas.”

None of this means that things are totally easy in police-community relationships. However, as we have reported events, the staff of the SSH have been very aware of police in general mingling respectfully with people and have seen friendly conversations and the unassuming presence of Catherine Burn at the centre of that.

Probably no-one is surprised that she has now been promoted to the role of Assistant Police Commissioner, but we regret her going from us after such a short time. The South Sydney Herald wishes you well, Assistant Commissioner Catherine Burn, and we are sure that many South Sydney residents would join us in doing so. We support your three nominations to be NSW Woman of the Year.

Source: South Sydney Herald February 2007