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Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP)

Redfern has had a CDEP project for the last 20 years. It has helped many Aboriginal people get into the regular job market as well as provided opportunities for many others to contribute to their community by undertaking socially useful work in the local community. On 6 November 2006 the Federal Government announced that CDEP would cease operating in urban areas and that it would be replaced by a new scheme that would be better suited to the labour market as it is at its strongest in 30 years. The proposed changes to CDEP will impact on Redfern Waterloo and hence we have collected some information on the proposed changes and the moves by some in the community to lobby for retention of the CDEP programmes in the area.
CDEP 2006-07 To Build On Success - 1 July 2006
This media release was issued by Hon Kevin Andrews MP on 1 July 2006 praising the CDEP programme. On 6th November 2006 he announced that CDEP in urban areas would be would be ended.
Twice As Many CDEP Participants Get Jobs - 20 October 2006
This media release was issued by Hon Kevin Andrews MP on 20 October 2006 praising the CDEP programme. On 6th November 2006 he announced that CDEP in urban areas would be would be ended.
Indigenous Employment Discussion Paper Released - 6 November 2006
Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, the Hon Kevin Andrews today released the Indigenous Potential meets Economic Opportunity Discussion Paper.
Cut to Indigenous Employment Services A Backward Step
The following Media Release was issued by Senator Chris Evans Leader of the Opposition in the Senate Shadow Minister for Indigenous Affairs Shadow Minister for Family and Community Services on 6 November 2006 in response to the Federal Government’s Announcement to abolish CDEP in urban areas.
CDEP Changes: Gutless Approach, Missed Chances
The following Media Release was issued by The Hon Warren Snowdon MP Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Indigenous Affairs on 6 November 2006 in response to the Federal Government’s Announcement to abolish CDEP in urban areas.
Redfern Residents for Reconciliation submission on CDEP Chganges
This is a copy of the RRR submission to the "Indigenous potential meets economic opportunity" Discussion Paper concerning the removal of the CDEP program. RRR have made their submission specifically in relation to how the proposed changes impact on Redfern.
Clover Moore Submission on CDEP
This is a copy of clover Moore's submission on the future of CDEP. MS Word 64 Kb.
Indigenous Employment Strategy at Risk
Indigenous Australians have not benefited from recent high employment rates to the same extent as other Australians. The high participation rate in the Indigenous based Community Development Employment Project programs (CDEP) shows that, while many Indigenous Australians want to work, barriers prevent them from obtaining mainstream employment. CLOVER'S eNEWS - Friday 19 January 2007 - No. 330
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