Groundswell Formation
GROUNDSWELL is a community empowerment process facilitated by a coalition of Redfern and Waterloo non-government agencies. It was initiated in April 2011 when a coalition of local agencies and residents met to explore ways of supporting residents facing the significant issues and changes proposed for the Redfern and Waterloo area. Here we have collected information relating to Groundswell.
- Join a Groundswell in Redfern and Waterloo - Residents
- This is the text of the initial Groundswell leaflet distributed on 6 April 2011 to residents and the community announcing Groundswell. A link to the PDF version is provided at the foot of this page.
- Join a Groundswell in Redfern and Waterloo - Residents PDF
- This is the initial Groundswell leaflet distributed on 6 April 2011 to residents and the community announcing Groundswell. It is 320 Kb PDF.
- Be Part of a Groundswell - Agencies
- This is the text of the Groundswell leaflet distributed on 6 April 2011 to agencies announcing Groundswell and inviting their support of the Groundswell coalition. A link to the original PDF is provided below.
- Be Part of a Groundswell - Agencies PDF
- This is the initial Groundswell leaflet distributed on 6 April 2011 to agencies announcing Groundswell and inviting their support of the Groundswell coalition. The File is 262 Kb PDF.
- REDWatch will Join Groundswell
- At its monthly meeting on 7 April 2011 REDWatch resolved to formally joins the Groundswell Agency Coalition. It was also resolved that REDWatch members and supporters provide whatever assistance they can to make the Groundswell residents discussion in Redfern and Waterloo successful.
- RWA & SMDA register interest in working with Groundswell
- Following the announcement of Groundswell the RWA & SMDA CEO Roy Wakelin-KIng wrote to "register the RWA's and SMDA's interest in being actively engaged with this group". An extract from the email is provided below.
- Groundswell - Indonesian Translation
- Bergabunglah dengan Groundswell in Redfern – Waterloo - This is an Indonesian Translation of the Initial Groundswell Leaflet 526KB PDF
- Groundswell - Vietnamese Translation
- Tham gia nhóm Groundswell tại Redfern và Waterloo - This is an Vietnamese Translation of the Initial Groundswell Leaflet 567KB PDF
- Groundswell - Chinese Translation
- 請加入Redfern 和 Waterloo 的 Goundswell - This is a Chinese Translation of the Initial Groundswell Leaflet 760KB PDF
- Groundswell coming to Redfern and Waterloo
- A coalition of Redfern and Waterloo non-government agencies has resolved to facilitate an on-going discussion and community empowerment process independent of government reports Michael Davis in City News on 12th May 2011.
- Groundswell of support for housing tenants
- The public submission last January by the Redfern-Waterloo Authority of the BEP2 draft plan to redevelop the housing sites in the area has drawn criticism from local groups. Criticism is due partly to the time for consultation being considered too short (four weeks) for the community to fully understand what a project of this scale implies reports Sandra Beeston in the South Sydney Herald of June 2011.
- Groundswell - Russian Translation
- Присоединитесь к Groundswell в Рэдферне и Ватерлоу - This is a Russian Translation of the Initial Groundswell Leaflet PDF 667KB
- Groundswell
- Before the fiddlers have fled, before they ask us to pay the bill, And while we still, have the chance, Let's face the music and dance"