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Local Human Services NGO Updates

There are a range of peak bodies (such as NCOSS) looking after the various interests of sectors of the NGO Human services however from time to time we get asked to put some NGO material of broad interest to people in Redfern Waterloo on the REDWatch website. Such information can be found in this section of the site. [For information on local human services responses to the RWA Human Services Plans see ].
Will small Community Centres cease being funded?
There is quite some concern amoung neighbourhood centres that DoCS policy changes may see smaller (under $1 million) community centres pushed out of the service system. In the letter below the Eastern Suburbs, Inner City and Inner West Neighbourhood Centre Forum have raised their concerns over the changes with DoCS. This clearly would have implications for local Centres in Redfern Waterloo.
Industrial relations Changes and Human Services
An Industry Roundtable meeting held before Christmas 2005 decided to eastablish a Taskforce chaired by Sir Marcus Einfeld with 6 other nominees. The terms of reference of the Taskforce will cover the use of the corporations power in the constitution, impacts on delivery of services, employment conditions, workplace recruitment and retention, impact of competitive tendering and government funding policies. A report from the December 2005 meeting is below:
Looking for Premises in Redfern Waterloo - the South Sydney Community Aid experience
The sale of the Redfern Public School saw tenants such as South Sydney Community Aid have to look for alternative accommodation in the area. Following they have documented their experience. Their story highlights the problems facing smaller NGO’s delivering human services in Redfern Waterloo in finding and being able to get funding support for suitable accommodation to deliver their services.
Sketch Plans of Settlement Building Changes 20 July 2007
These are sketch plans showing the building changes to The Settlement in July 2007. File is 157 KB JPG.
Inner City Domestic Violence Action Group Minutes – 20th April 2005
A Settlement at the Crossroads
This is an article about the Settlement which appeared in the Sydney University Alumni magazine ­Spring 2006. PDF File 290 Kb.
Housing Community Assistance Programme - HCAP
The HCAP Programme is operating from the Factory Community Centre. It has funding until mid 2008. Here you will find some information about the HCAP's programmes.
What Needs to be done in RW Human Services – An NGO Perspective
The new South Sydney Interagency had its second meeting on 11 June 2008. The feature of the meeting was a short consultation carried out by NSW Council of Social Services (NCOSS), the peak non-government organisation in NSW. NCOSS is commencing a series of visits across the state to talk to community organisations about what they want to see in the 09/10 State Budget. Yes, the process for the next budget gets going almost as soon as this budget is announced. The value of a generalist interagency is that we can look across our area in a holistic way to see all the supports in place and how all NGO activities impact on each other and the South Sydney Region. Below is a write up of the findings which also gives a window into the needs of local human service agencies.
Waterloo Community Engagement Proposal March 2009
During 2008 Waterloo Neighbourhood Advisory Board carried out a series of consultations to develop a proposal for future ‘community engagement’ strategies and on how to increase resident involvement in local decision making processes. This information sheet summarises the proposal to be implemented and to be piloted over the course of 2009. (92 KB MSWord).
Babana ANZAC Newsletter - April 2009
This is the April 2009 Babana Newsletter which has a focus on the Aboriginal ANZACs and Coloured Diggers. File is 1 MB PDF
RedWater News - May 2009
RedWaternews is produced by and for Redfern and Waterloo tenants. This Issue has a focus on harm minimisation and Alcohol Free Zones. File is 1MB PDF
Community Safety Survey 2009
This Community Safety Survey was produced by the Factory Community Centre and REDWatch as a way of getting community input to a number of issues raised about community safety and fear of crime issuers in the local community. Please download the questionnaire and return it to by the end of August 2009. File is MS Word 100Kb.
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