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Matron Gardens Mosaic Project

The Housing Communities Assistance Program (HCAP) at the Factory Community Centre, working with other agencies under the Time 2 Act banner, had secured grant funding from the City of Sydney to deliver a community mosaic project. The project will encourage young people to participate in the care of the Waterloo Green area and surrounding areas through the creation of an artist-led community mural.

There are going to be design workshops held where local people young and old will come together and work with a professional artist. Local residents are invited to help design the mural and then actually help in producing it. The mural will be located on the wall of the Marton Gardens within the Waterloo Green Area.

What are the goals of this project?

  • Reduction in vandalism / increase in respect of Marton community recreational area such as the gardens, play area and its surrounding wall.
  • Increased sense of ownership / belonging for young people in the area
  • Building of relationships across people from different cultural backgrounds
  • Development of knowledge of different cultures during process of developing design for mural
  • The building of relationships between the older and young people
  • Development of a positive attitude of older residents towards young people and vice versa.
  • Opportunity for young people to contribute positively to their community
  • Increased opportunities for future collaborative approaches amongst community and service providers

Michael Shreenan, the HCAP Community Development Worker at the Factory Community Centre says, “We hope this diversionary project will help foster a positive connection between the older and younger people that use the Waterloo Green and Marton Gardens area”

Several workshops will take place with existing youth groups in the area. There are various open workshops for everyone to become involved - the first one will be held on

Martin Gardens area on Friday 23rd at 11am till 2pm and 4pm and 6pm

Where there will be a barbeque and other activities. There will be further events held over the coming months and the whole project will be completed and launched with a Gala Event on the 15th June 2007.


The Marton Community Gardens were established in partnership between The Department of Housing and the Waterloo/Redfern University of New South Wales Community Development Project. The gardens have primarily involved older public housing tenants from a diverse range of cultural backgrounds.

Over time there has been much vandalism, damage and lack of respect by young people for the gardens and premises. Research suggests that a lack of involvement and participation of young people in the development and ongoing delivery of projects can lead to a lack of ownership and connection. The result can often be translated into disrespect in the form of vandalism, damage, and general disregard for (in this case) the project.

The art project will encompass working in partnership with various agencies under our Time 2 Act Programme and the project is being sponsored by the City of Sydney.

This includes:-

•           HCAP and The Factory Community Centre

•           Local Residents

•           The Marton community gardeners

•           Waterloo/Redfern University of New South Wales Community Development Project

•           Various youth agencies

•           Redfern Police

•           Dept Of Housing

•           Kids Speak

•           and many others

What is HCAP?

Housing Communities Assistance Programme (HCAP) has various programs across the state and is managed locally by The Factory Community Centre and is funded by the Department of Housing NSW.  HCAP program locally has an agenda of working with local residents and agencies within a community development framework. We work with various partner agencies from across sectors. The excellent partnership working which is vital for our projects success comes under our Time 2 Act Banner.

So what does the service do locally?

•           We promote community participation

•           Work  with others to improving the quality of life for local residents

•           Provide support and specialist advice to local community groups and help individuals start new ones.

•           Represent  housing tenants views

•           Promote interagency working

The Factory Community Centre

The Factory has various community groups and support services available. This year we are celebrating our 30 years of service to the Waterloo and Redfern community. For more information contact us or just drop in for Cuppa and we will show your round.

For more information contact Mike Shreenan at the Factory Community Centre, Tel: 02 8399 1011

Michael M Shreenan
Housing Communities Assistance Program (HCAP)
Redfern Waterloo Community Development Worker
The Factory Community Centre
67 Raglan St Waterloo 2017
Ph: 8399 1011  Fax: 9310 4141