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Writing on the wall for Housing Minister

It was late last year. On learning that Matt Brown, Minister for Housing, was to tour Waterloo with members of the Redfern Waterloo Chamber of Commerce, the SSH approached the Minister’s department for information reports Trevor Davies in the South Sydney Herald of April 2008.


The department first denied plans for the meeting, only to then concede it would take place. A request for a photo of the Minister and his hosts was met with resistance.

Local residents are concerned the Government’s long-term plan to mix public and private housing will polarise the community and undermine public housing in the area despite Planning Minister Frank Sartor stating at a recent estimates committee meeting that “there is no intention at all to reduce the amount of public housing in Redfern-Waterloo”.

Resident groups would still like to meet with the Minister but he seems to prefer the company of the Redfern Waterloo Chamber of Commerce than department tenants.

However, this year the Minister wasn’t so shy. Last month he visited the area

to announce a new anti-graffiti program. The program includes photographing graffiti ‘tags’ before painting over them.

A joint partnership has been established between Housing NSW and Redfern Police to run a pilot program to combat illegal graffiti in and around the Marton Building on Cope Street, Redfern.

The Minister said: “Like everyone else, public housing residents deserve to live in a building that is free from graffiti.

“Under the new partnership, Housing NSW and Redfern Police will pursue anyone who is found to be responsible for graffiti attacks on the Marton Building. The public areas of the building will be inspected regularly for graffiti, any of which will be photographed, reported to the Police Assistance Line and removed within 48 hours of identification.”

A temporary sticker on illegal graffiti will send a message to perpetrators that “this graffiti has been reported and police are investigating”.

The trial is in response to community concerns about the level of graffiti in Waterloo and the inner city. Local residents are encouraged to report any illegal activity to the police. A review of the pilot will be held at the end of June 2008.

The SSH would encourage the Minister to meet with the residents to discuss the ongoing concerns that residents have about the future of the estate.

Photo: Esther Turnbull - Matt Brown with residents at the Marton Building in Redfern

Source: South Sydney Herald April 2008 -