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False Promises - `Clueless' minister can't deliver

HOUSING NSW has contradicted Housing Minister Matt Brown about the failure of a new Waterloo Graffiti eradication program. The Minister announced the program last month and at a press conference at the Marton public housing building said the new program was to target graffiti both "inside and outside" the building reports Robert Burton-Bradley in Central of 23rd April 2008.

A press release stated the program was for "in and around" the building.

However, when Central approached Housing NSW about evidence graffiti was still present weeks after the program started, a spokesman said the program was only for inside the building. "The pilot focused on the inside of the building where there was a high level of graffiti," he said.

When asked to clarify the differing stories, the spokesman said a mistake had been made and the minister's statements were not correct.

The spokesman said graffiti outside the building was left for Sydney Council to remove.

A council spokesman said: "As a courtesy, if graffiti appears on a wall of a building that directly abuts the Street, the city will clean it."Ultimately it's the responsibility of property owners to maintain their own land."

Resident spokesman Ross Smith said residents were sick of "cynical publicity stunts". "We had a great announcement and they said graffiti inside and outside the building would be targeted and removed, but all this graffiti Is still here and neither the minister nor the department have a clue what is going on."

Picture: Phil Rogers - Ross Smith is angry Housing NSW promises about graffiti removal have not been kept and (inset) the graffiti remains.

Source: Central 23rd April 2008