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RWA Eveleigh Pedestrian / Bike Bridge on Exhibition – Until 15th August 2008

The Department of Planning have placed on public exhibition the RWA’s proposal for a pedestrian & bike bridge, which the RWA call the Eveleigh Heritage Walk (EHW). The bridge no longer provides the link from CarriageWorks to near the new Channel 7 building as proposed by the RWA in its preliminary application. The bridge now connects the southern end of the ATP to North Eveleigh close to Redfern Station as indicated in the RWA’s recent North Eveleigh Concept Plan in which the bridge featured but was not included.

The bridge has been moved due to the cost and logistical problems of building over Sydney’s main railway corridor at the initial location. The move has also seen access to the bridge become ramped rather than the initially proposed lift access. The proposed bridge received a reasonable amount of comment at the RWA open days. The major issues seemed to be its move from the earlier location towards the station, the lack of integration with the station and Redfern more generally, the extent of the ramping and concerns over safety of bridge users. Those with concerns have until 15th August 2008 to make a submission.

All submissions must be sent to the Department of Planning by the 15 August 2008. Address your submission to: Director, Urban Assessments, Department of Planning, GPO Box 39, Sydney NSW 2001 or email The Environmental Assessment can be downloaded from the RWA website or can viewed at Department of Planning, Information Centre, 23-33 Bridge Street, Sydney, City of Sydney Council, Town Hall House, 456 Kent Street, Sydney, and Redfern Service Centre, 158 Redfern Street, Redfern (open Saturday 9 am to 12 noon). Questions concerning the project and exhibition can be addressed to Yolanda Gil (RWA) by phoning 9202 9100 or Kathryn Myles (DoP) on (02) 9228 6343.

With the RWA seeking to close down the operating heritage at the ATP by serving a notice to quit on the Blacksmiths whose operation was covered in the ATP’s initial development approval and with the lack of a Heritage Interpretation Strategy in the North Eveleigh Concept Plan that may have delivered a real Eveleigh Heritage Walk, there is a real irony that the RWA persists with calling the new bridge the Eveleigh Heritage Walk.

Source: REDWatch