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Regional Council's New Executive Officer - September 2008

Inner Sydney Regional Council for Social Development have appointed a new Executive Officer, Pam marsh, to carry on the great tradition of `Regional Council'.

Pam Marsh is a very experienced and talented community worker who was working in Brisbane, but is returning to live in Sydney. Pam's CV is very impressive and covers a wide range of programs. The job she is leaving in Brisbane, called Gateway, is a SAAP service that works with homeless and disadvantaged families, providing a range of supports. Before that, she set up a national program for Good Beginnings Australia called Prisoners & Their Families, funded by the Federal Attorney General's Department. This work focused on the needs of children of prisoners, working to improve parenting skills, facilitating contact between prisoners and their children, as well as providing information and support to the family.

Pam also knows about inner Sydney from her work as a management consultant at The Settlement in 2000 - 2001, settling it down through a period of financial and administrative difficulties. She also worked in Canberra, at the ACT Family Services Bureau, managing the Department's two Occasional Care Centres and before that she worked at the Belconnen Community Services - a Canberra Neighbourhood Centre, running their Family Support Program.

We know Pam is looking forward to returning to Sydney and to the change into policy and advocacy. She is very welcome and we hope she will be very happy.

Source: Inner Sydney Voice Spring 2008 - Support Inner voice by Subscribing at