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Local Representation for All

Despite the Government's claim that the 2004 amalgamation of the City and South Sydney Councils was to improve the efficiency and quality of services, it has not addressed the duplication by the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority (SHFA) and the Redfern Waterloo Authority (RWA) says Clover Moore's eNews of Friday 20 February 2009 - No. 435.

Residents frequently tell me that SHFA and the RWA do not consult them on important decisions, provide inadequate services and respond poorly to residents' concerns. They say that poor relationships exist because, unlike councils, SHFA and the RWA are not representative or accountable.

Democratically elected local representatives should make the important decisions that impact on local communities, particularly decisions about planning and service delivery.

A number of local community groups have asked that I call on the NSW Government to return the responsibilities of these unelected authorities to the City. The future objectives of SHFA and the RWA can be achieved more democratically, effectively and efficiently by the City and other state government agencies, and I recently asked the Planning Minister and Premier to review the continued need for SHFA and the RWA.

A shared commitment to cooperation can ensure state and local coordination, as occurs across many other areas.

Source: CLOVER'S eNEWS  - Friday 20 February 2009 - No. 435