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Carriage Works Market.

In the issue of City News on 12 March, there was an article about the Eveleigh Market, which incorrectly named the market as the ‘Carriage Works Market’ writes Stephanie Zappala in this letter to City News.

CarriageWorks is not associated with the Eveleigh Farmer’s Market, which is run by Redfern Waterloo Authority. The name of their website is  We are disappointed that Adam Black did not check his facts and as a consequence, involved CarriageWorks’ name in a derogatory manner.

CarriageWorks works very closely with our neighbours from Redfern and surrounding suburbs, and we pride ourselves in being extremely accessible to people from all walks of life. This is particularly relevant and poignant in this case because the article in question speaks about how the local community find the market prohibitively expensive, which is something that we work very hard not to be.

The program of contemporary arts and culture that we present is a series of fantastic, lively, accessible community events that are welcoming to everyone and not exclusive in any way. A huge amount of the events that CarriageWorks presents are FREE. It is of utmost importance to CarriageWorks that we work with and engage our local community in as many ways as possible, and that we deliver performances, exhibitions and events that are relevant, of a high standard and enjoyable to a wide range of people.

Because accessibility is valued so highly at CarriageWorks, we do not want the public to be mislead by the negative remarks in the article relating to the Eveleigh Markets.


Stephanie Zappala
