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Central Letters on Wet Centre

The following two letters about a proposed wet centre appeared in the 6 May 2009 Central


COUNCILLOR Doutney's call fora wet centre near Waterloo Green (Central, April 24) is an insult to the Waterloo housing tenant community's desire to be free of the adverse impact of the irresponsible consumption of alcohol.

The Waterloo community is the most over-consulted and under-served group in Australia according to the NSW Attorney General.

The residents live in a social engineering laboratory. They want the freedom to use the streets and parks in the manner that all other Australians enjoy.

They want the adverse impact of irresponsible consumption of alcohol on their community removed. They have waited five years for this. They do not want another piece of dubious social engineering. Cr Doutney sacrifices community wellbeing by her championing of an irresponsible minority.

Why should the position of those irresponsibly consuming alcohol be made tenable? Can Cr Doutney guarantee those consuming alcohol in an irresponsible manner will relocate to a wet centre? Can she guarantee a wet centre will stop the domestic violence and diversion of children's food money to alcohol purchases?

- ROSS SMITH Waterloo


REGARDING the alcohol debate, particularly on Waterloo Green, I agree with Irene Doutney that the drinkers should have their space to socialise and meet and drink with their friends. Most of them could not pay bar prices.

I do not agree that the Green is dangerous: I go by there a least six times a week and I never see many people about, and very rarely at night.

I just went by before midnight and not a soul was about. Why not use the seated area in Cope St? It could be fenced off and is away from residents. This is what they did in a well-known park in south London, Brock-well Park, and it was working well there. I am sure it will work here.

- ALAN BRENNAN Online reader