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Support for Redfern & Darlington Business Precinct

New "Business Precinct Studies" for Redfern and Newtown will guide our work to strengthen the local retail hubs, with a new Council officer being employed to help us do the needed work with local communities, including local business associations, police and other government authorities reports CLOVER'S eNEWS of Friday 28 August 2009 - No. 462.

I asked for quick action to improve shopfronts along Redfern and Regent Streets and Abercrombie Street Darlington. We want to persuade business owners to remove their shutters or agree to us working with the local community to make them attractive through public art.

Council allocated $17,800 from our Business Support Grant program towards a marketing strategy for Redfern and for initiatives to attract a wider diversity of businesses to the area.

The Newtown study, commissioned by the Newtown Business Precinct Association and part-funded by the City, includes a proposal for a food waste recycling program, with food scraps being collected from local restaurants, cafes and takeaways to be converted into renewable electricity or organic fertiliser.

The Study found that 30 per cent of all businesses in the area were involved in preparing and serving food, a much higher proportion than other business precincts in Sydney.


* Officers' report and Precinct Retail Studies:

* Redfern Waterloo Chamber of Commerce:

* Newtown Precinct Business Association:

Source: CLOVER'S eNEWS  - Friday 28 August 2009 - No. 462