Setback on road to Pemulwuy
One of the most recent supporters, Jhan Leach of South Sydney Community Aid, said: “Pemulwuy promises so much – for Indigenous people of Sydney, for the city itself. The Block is the heart and soul of Redfern. As the Block flourishes, so too Redfern flourishes – and that’s good news for all of us.”
On September 20, in unseasonably hot conditions, Trevor made his way from Milson’s Point, across the Harbour Bridge and into the CBD. A great achievement.
Sadly, Andrew was struck down by a virus a few days before the event and unable to take part in the marathon he’d been training for. “I was fit for the Sydney Nose Running Festival,” he lamented. “It was one of those colds that feels like the worst cold you’ve ever had.”
Andrew has decided to treat the illness as a setback, and registered for the Melbourne Marathon on October 11. He has now resumed training. “I’m still running for Pemulwuy,” he said. “The AHC [Aboriginal Housing Company] has known a setback or two over the years. I’ll keep that in mind. This makes me more determined.”
Lani Tuitavake of the AHC has offered ongoing encouragement. “The first step is always the hardest,” she said. “We appreciate your enthusiasm and support of the AHC and the Redfern Aboriginal community.”
You can support Andrew’s continued efforts by visiting the Running for Pemulwuy website: . All donations very gratefully received. Trevor and Andrew are still hoping to meet their target of $5,000.
Supporters are also in with a chance of winning some great prizes. Local artist, Adam Hill, who designed T-shirts for Trevor and Andrew, has developed the design and produced a unique work on canvas. Photographer, Elaine Syron, has donated a number of highly collectable urban Aboriginal posters. At 2pm on Saturday October 24 a draw will be conducted at Tripod Café in Darlington. Names of all donors will be placed in a barrel and prize-winners drawn by Mick Mundine of the AHC.
Photo: Andrew Collis - Trevor Davies and Jhan Leach in Darlington