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REDWatch Project Local Winner

CONGRATULATIONS to REDWatch, the community group which has won our $2500 Project Local grant to help disseminate community information and hold local forums reports Central Magazine on 14 December 2011.

REDWatch is a group which covers Redfern, Eveleigh, Darlington and Waterloo.

The group monitors Government involvement in these areas and lobbies for outcomes that benefit the community.

REDWatch aims to bring together information concerning the community from Government reports and media via local email updates and community forums to provide an information resource for those wanting to know what is happening in the area and why it is happening.

REDWatch meets at 6pm on the first Thursday of the month at the Factory Community Centre, 67 Raglan Street Waterloo. REDWatch also has working groups that meet at other times during the month.

REDWatch can be contacted through Geoff Turnbull, phone: 8004 1490 or via

The grant from Central Magazine will help REDWatch enhance communication between community groups and individuals to encourage broad community participation.

The money will go towards monthly meetings, disseminating info, insurance, volunteer expenses and venue hire.
