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News articles concerning Redfern Waterloo from various sources. Click on the headlines below for more details.
Do you want eight trains parked in your backyard? December 2005
Trevor Davies in South Sydney Herald December 2005 reports - Posters were put up on telegraph poles in Burren and Albert Streets in Erskineville. Petitions in the local news agency warned people that the proposed State Rail development will mean that State Rail will be able to store 8 trains, to decrease their travel time from outer suburbs. This will be a 24-hour facility - the train generators will run 24 hours a day with 8 trains testing 16 horns and brakes at 4am as they depart. Noise studies admit that this will cause "awakening events" with no concrete solution provided. Lighting for the facility will also run 24 hours a day, according to the planning and approval body, which is the 'Transport Infrastructure Development Corporation.
New Indigenous centre for Redfern School
But what will happen to the services already at the site? Alice Mulheron in the South Sydney Herald December 2005 reports The site of the former Redfern Public School is to be developed into a centre for Aboriginal sporting, cultural and social excellence. The centre was approved after the Redfern Waterloo Authority negotiated for the Indigenous Land Council to buy the property.
Rachel Forster, a health care facility? December 2005
In this Have you Heard Column article in South Sydney Herald December 2005 Trevor Davies writes about the Rachel Foster Hospital Site.
Redfern... It's a Riot! December 2005
Neil Whitfield, recently retired from the staff of Sydney Boys' High tells us: Julius Macefield and Sam Darcy, both of Year 7 at Sydney Boys High, were the joint winners (year 7/8 boys) of the Whitlam Institute's writing prize "What Matters?" in September 2005. This attracted over 1000 entries. Julius wrote on social issues in Redfern and Sam about poverty in South Africa. The competition required a short piece of prose describing what mattered to these students. As you will see from Julius's essay on Redfern, their highly articulate and intelligent responses reflect a level of - humanity and concern for the world we live in, which is inspiring.
Hillsong: Helping or hunting recruits for their Church? December 2005
Celina Ribeiro in the December 2005 edition of the South Sydney Herald reports Hillsong Church has defended itself against community concerns aimed at their operations in the south Sydney area Corning under fire for allegedly using their social welfare arm to recruit for the church. Hillsong representatives insist that their main objective is to assist the local people.
The 'Rev gears up to move on
An interview with John McIntyre by Vladimir Korotkov in the December 2005 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Piggins and Holmes a Court divided on Redfern Oval and the future of South Sydney December 2005
Joseph Correy reports in the december 2005 edition of the South Sydney Herald that Businessman Peter Holmes a Court and actor Russell Crowe could become the majority own­ers of South Sydney Football Club when they table a proposal that asks the club's members to approve privatisation.
A watch word for change December 2005
Sophie McNamara in The Southside News 4/2005 p8 reports on REDWatch.
Tough times for Sartor - December 2005
Nami Kwon The Southside News 4/2005 p8 reports: Relations between the Aboriginal Housing Company, (AHC) and Frank Sartor, Minister for Redfern-Waterloo, boiled over in public a few months ago and discussions about redeveloping The Block as part of the Redfern Waterloo development plan came to a standstill.
Progress slow but steady for RWA - December 2005
Nami Kwon in The Southside News 4/2005 p8 reports: After a sluggish start, the Redfern Waterloo Authority is making progress with developments to renew the Redfern-Waterloo precinct.
Hike in real estate prices - December 2005
As the Redfern-Waterloo Authority cranks up renewal projects, HANNAH SPURR takes a look at property values in the area in The Southside News 4/2005 p 9 in December 2005.
Private childcare on council agenda - Sydney Council boost for childcare December 2005
Josie Pollak and Hannah Spurr report in The Southside News 4/2005 p1-2 that Sydney City Council will use its planning powers to insist private childcare centres are included in new developments to meet the serious shortage of childcare places in inner Sydney.
Needle exchange controversy divides community - December 2005
Myles Formby reports in The Southside News 4/2005 p3 that The future of the planned needle exchange in Redfern is unknown as residents and community groups wait for the findings of an independent community consultation conducted in mid-July.
CUB development a step closer
Almost a year after a $203m development agreement fell through, drafting controls for the Carlton and United Breweries site are about to be approved. LUCINDA FRIDAY reports in The Southside News 4/2005 p4 December 2005.
Get councillors out of planning, watchdog urges
In this SMH December 23, 2005 article, Urban Affairs Reporter Bonnie Malkin looks at the NSW ICAC discussion paper on the conflicts of interest within the planning system.
Airport plans skirt around state laws
The Government was close to making public its blueprint for the corridor between the airport and the city reports Anne Davies the SMH State Political Editor in the SMH of January 2, 2006 in this article about plans for the airport development.
Members likely to decide Rabbits' fate
Club vows to keep politics out of any privatisation vote. Report Jonathan Dart (SydneyCentral Courier 25th January 2006 page 5)
Development body turns one
Redfern-Waterloo Authority's first birthday greeted with mixed reviews. Report Alexandra Walker (SydneyCentral Courier 25th January 2006 page 3)
City lodges application for Redfern Park
Following Council’s commitment of $19 million to upgrade Redfern Park the City of Sydney has today lodged a Development Application (DA) to remove the dilapidated grandstand and associated structures, which have fallen into a state of disrepair.
Aboriginal anger as Block rezoned - 10 February 2006
John Stapleton in The Australian reports that LONGSTANDING tensions between Sydney's Redfern Aboriginal community and the NSW Government escalated yesterday after Planning Minister Frank Sartor announced that Redfern's Block, a centre of Aboriginal activism for more than 30 years, would be rezoned for commercial use.
New plan on the Block unwelcome to owners - 10 February 2006
Bonnie Malkin and Sherrill Nixon Sydney Morning Herald February 10, 2006 report that: THE symbolic heart of Sydney's Aboriginal community - the Block in Redfern - will be transformed into a bustling commercial hub under a State Government plan to attract investors and reverse the fortunes of the troubled inner-city site.
Redfern redevelopment plan not about moving Aborigines: Minister - 9 February 2006
The final stage of the New South Wales Government's plan to redevelop Redfern has been released.
Teenagers shoot hoops to avoid the weekend's pitfalls - 9 February 2006
Bonnie Malkin Urban Affairs Reporter Sydney Morning Herald reports: REDFERN has a new weapon in the fight against crime: basketball. The Minister for Redfern Waterloo, Frank Sartor, and the West Sydney Razorbacks have launched the Midnight Basketball Tournament to lure young people off the streets and into Alexandria Park Community School to play the game.
The City of Sydney has contributed $12,500 to Midnight Basketball for Redfern-Waterloo, an innovative sports program which aims to give young people life skills while diverting them from crime and anti-social behaviour.
Draft Built Environment Plan to Drive Jobs Growth in Redfern & Waterloo - 10 February 2006
Kristina Keneally's Heffron E-Herald 10 February 2006 No. 2 on the release of the RWA Built Environment Plan.
Sartor changes zoning of the Block to commercial - 9 February 2006
Aboriginal Housing Company Media release 9 February 2006.
Firth Calls on Sartor to Rethink Pemulwuy Decision - 10 February 2006
Media Release from Verity Firth Deputy Lord Mayor, City of Sydney 10 February, 2006.
Souths' oval to be razed - 11 February 2006
By JOSH MASSOUD in the Daily Telegraph reports SYDNEY City Council will spend $500,000 to demolish the contaminated Redfern Oval - and the Rabbitohs won't stop them.
Revamp for Redfern ignores railway heritage - 13 February 2006
Bonnie Malkin SMH Urban Affairs Reporter reports SYDNEY may lose a large part of its railway heritage under plans to revamp Redfern and Waterloo, the National Trust has warned.
Indigenous heartland under threat
Redfern's Aboriginal heritage could be lost to a restoration project that favours business, writes Verity Firth in SMH February 15, 2006
A fixation that improvement means tall buildings
SMH Letters February 14, 2006
This article is taken from CLOVER'S eNEWS - Friday 17 February 2006 - No. 284 and provides Clover Moore's views on the Redfern Waterloo Built Environment Plan.
Ross Fitzgerald: Another time around the Block for urban revival
In this Opinion peice in the Australian of 20 February 2006 Ross Fitzgerald argues: After years of failure, plans to kick-start an inner Sydney wasteland are worth serious consideration
Symbolism cannot solve unemployment and social misery
Redfern and Waterloo are bigger than just one block, however needy, writes Frank Sartor in an Opinion piece in the SMH February 22, 2006
Differ on Redfern - 24 February 2006
This letter from Peter Valilis of the Aboriginal Housing Company Ltd Redfern ran in the Letters section of the SMH on 24th February 2006 in response to RWA Minister Frank Sartor's Opinion peice "Symbolism cannot solve unemployment and social misery" SMH February 22.
Initiative filed in dustbin
The following letter from Verity Firth appeared in the Australian on 21 February 2006 in response to Ross Fitzgeralds Opinion article "Another time around the Block for urban revival project" of 20th February 2006.
Can't box, can get smacked - 25 February 2006
How come young kids can get high, can get killed, can hang out on the streets but can't learn the sweet science, asks Stephen Gibbs? SMH February 25, 2006
'Stressed out' police threaten to strike - 28 February 2006
Exclusive by Kara Lawrence Daily Telegraph February 28, 2006
The reality behind the Redfern plan: a boon for the big end of town - March 1 2006
Elizabeth Farrelly SMH March 1, 2006 writes: 'JOBS, jobs, jobs," boomed the minister. "This plan is about jobs and opportunity, opportunity and jobs, jobs and opportunity." The only job on offer at this particular sun-baked news conference was a consummate snow job. It was a small, select news conference, with a handful of the hand-picked standing around in the sun waiting for the Minister, who was a half-hour late taking up his spot in the shade.
City of Sydney Mayoral Minute on RWA Built Environment Plan
Below we have provided the Mayoral Minute to City of Sydney Council which sets out the basis on which the City of Syndey will produce a submission to the RWA concerning the RWA Draft Built Environment Plan.
Once again, Frank gets it wrong on The Block
Darlington-Redfern branches of the Australian Labor Party Media Release Thursday, March 2", 2006
City of Sydney councillors air their concerns about the future of Redfern Waterloo - 8 March 2006
Alexandra Walker reports in the 8th March edition of Sydney Central Courier that Inner Sydney could be left with an oversupply of office space if the Redfern-Waterloo Authority’s (RWA ) plans go ahead too quickly, a City of Sydney councillor has warned.
Indigenous jobs boost
Redfern-Waterloo Authority Minister Frank Sartor has announced that 26 indigenous job seekers will be employed to work on a $45-million project at the Australian Technology Park (ATP).
Battle for the streets – 13 March 2006
Plans to fix Sydney's Aboriginal ghetto have angered locals and white activists. But that does nothing to solve The Block's problems, writes Imre Salusinszky. Imre Salusinszky is The Australian's NSW state political reporter.
Redfern/Waterloo: Land grab plan announced - 8 March 2006
Two weeks ago at a gala launch, the NSW government revealed the draft Redfern/Waterloo Built Environment Plan, the first stage of a blatant attempt to commercially redevelop these suburbs, and incorporate them into an enlarged Central Business District writes Peter Mac in The Guardian.
AHC responds to Kristina Keneally's comments on the Block
The AHC has wriiten to local MP Kristina Keneally concerning recent comments she made in Parliament and at a RWA media conference. The text of the letter follows:
Cr Firth calls on Sartor to rethink Pemulwuy decision
Labor Deputy Lord Mayor, Verity Firth, has expressed grave concern at the State Government’s apparent abandonment of the Pemulwuy Project. “[The] decision by Minister Sartor is regrettable and should be reversed. It has made the realisation of the project impossible,” said Cr Firth recently reports The South Sydney Herald in its March 2006 Issue.
Built Environment Plan released: Is this future for Redfern and Waterloo?
The Redfern Waterloo Authority’s draft Built Environment Plan (BEP) has been released to mixed reviews. The South Sydney Herald examined what the plan means for some of South Sydney’s most important sites writes Joseph Correy and Geoffrey Turnbull in the March 2006 issue of the South Sydney Herald.
How the planning system stifles debate - 17 March 2006
In NSW bureaucrats have too much power to make crucial decisions on development, writes Robert Stokes in Sydney Morning Herald March 17 2006.
Labor councils turn on Sartor as ugly fight develops over local planning - 26 March 2006
PLANNING Minister Frank Sartor's bid to seize statewide planning powers to override local councils has been hit by an avalanche of protest, especially from leading local government figures in the Labor Party reports Alex Mitchell State political editor in the SMH March 26, 2006
Premier lays out his plans - 29.03.2006
More trains, more public-private partnerships and more State control over planning – Morris Iemma tells the Courier what to expect during his tenure at the top. Report Kim Shaw Sydney Central Courier.
State Cabinet invited to Redfern-Waterloo
South Sydney Herald in its April 2006 edition reports on the invitation issued recently to the NSW Premier.
Residents sceptical of redevelopment
Ben Spies- Butcher in the April 2006 edition of the South Sydney Herald reports on recent community meetings concerning the RWA's Draft Built Environment Plan.
Hopes for Redfern Police Command of long-term Chippendale resident
In the April 2006 issue of the South Sydney Herald Dorothy McRae-McMahon intervied the Redfern Police Commander Catherine Burn.
Redfern-Waterloo tour, a thing of beauty
In this article from the April 2006 South Sydney Herald Mickie Quick talks about the latest of a series of Redfern Waterloo tours conducted by Squatspace.
What do Crookwell and Redfern have in common?
In the April Edition of the South Sydney Herald Trevor Davies interview with the National Partys Duncan Gay who is a Redfern resident when parliament is sitting.
Love song to Sydney, the gritty city
From wharves to warehouses, there is much to admire in our dirty old town, writes Elizabeth Farrelly in the Sydney Morning Herald of March 31, 2006
The Invisible Minister for Redfern Waterloo
REDWatch issued the following Media Statement on March 20 2006 prior to the NSW Cabinet meeting in Ashfield.
Image iemma
Clover Moore Urges Submissions to RWA Draft Built Environment Plan
URGENT ACTION NEEDED! - Redfern Waterloo Authority Draft Built Environment Plan April 2006
Rob Welsh Speech to City of Sydney Principles of Cooperation Agreement Signing
Speech By Rob Welsh, Chairperson, Metropolitan Aboriginal Land Council 11 April 2006.
Historic agreement boosts reconciliation in Sydney
Media Statement from Metropolitan Aboriginal Land Council on the signing of Principles of Cooperation between the land Council and the City of Sydney Council.
Redfern plan threatens cultural identity, critics say
By Sherrill Nixon, Urban Affairs Editor SMH April 15, 2006
Plaudits for police - 19 April 2006
The City of Sydney Lord Mayor has congratulated Superintendent Catherine Burn and her team at Redfern police for the progress they have made in working with the local Aboriginal community and elders reports the Sydney Central Courier. [Please note that there are some errors in this article - at the foot of the article you will find some clarifications made by Redfern LAC Commander Catherine Burn].
Kristina Keneally's Submission to the Redfern Waterloo Authority's Draft Built Environment Plan
The extract below is taken from Kristina Keneally's Heffron E-Herald No 12 of 22 April 2006 and sets out the MP for Heffrons view of the RWA's Built Environment Plan.
3000 homes for elderly - 30 April 2006
ALMOST 3000 new homes will be built or bought for the elderly under a multi-million dollar State Government plan to address the state's ageing population reports Linda Silmalis in the Sunday Telegraph.
Public Housing Tenants Lose 70 Per cent of Wages Under new Rent Reforms
The following media statement was issued by the Tenants Union of NSW Co-op Ltd at the beginning of May 2006.
Hard work leaves public renters in the lurch
INCREASES in rents paid by the state's public housing tenants are the main reason some of them lose 93 cents of every dollar earned above a "moderate income" threshold, a report shows. Report by Matthew Moore SMH May 1 2006.
Aboriginal leaders, church in feud over memorial seat - 3 May 2006
A ROW has erupted over the fate of a memorial seat to the Aboriginal activist Mum Shirl reports Linda Morris in the SMH.
For our cultural desert's sake, roll them off to rot - 3 may 2006
Elizabeth Farrelly in the SMH looks at the 3801, Heritage and the Redfern Waterloo Plan.
Redfern Waterloo Residents Demand SEPP be Withdrawn - 3 May 2006
The text of the REDWatch Media Release is below:
State Cabinet considers invitation to visit Redfern-Waterloo - May 2006
An update on last Months South Sydney Herald story on the invitation to State Cabinet to visit Redfern-Waterloo by Vladimir Korotkov in the May 2006 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Rachel Forster, please redevelop it for the community - May 2006
This letter is reproduced from the South Sydney Herald of may 2006.
Campaign to Save Marian Park - May 2006
Residents of Redfern’s Watertower building are fighting to save a small but rare piece of open parkland from the Redfern-Waterloo Authority’s redevelopment plans reports Bill Birtles in the South Sydney herald May 2006.
Now was this really a focus on Redfern? - May 2006
Who determines the real agenda in focus groups, asks Tim Brunero as he reviews his participation in a recent event organised by the Redfern-Waterloo Authority in the South Sydney Herald.
The following article has appeared on the Redfern-Waterloo Yahoo group and the Stop the War Coalition web site in Sydney about the event.
Aborigines caught in vicious circle of housing neglect - 15 May 2006
ABORIGINAL housing in many remote communities is so run-down through lack of cash that building new dwellings is pointless, a housing research body study has found, reports Debra Jopson in the SMH.
A college of dreams - 21 May 2006
ONE of Australia's oldest private schools plans to establish a school for Aborigines to try to raise education standards among indigenous children reports Hannah Edwards in the Sun Herald May 21, 2006.
School idea a boost for Aborigines
A PRIVATE school's move to open an inner-city school for Aboriginal children has been met with enthusiasm, prompting offers of funding support from the community reports Hannah Edwards Sun Herald May 28, 2006.
Sartor slammed over CUB
SYDNEY Lord Mayor Clover Moore accused NSW Planning Minister Frank Sartor of making a multi-million-dollar "cash grab" yesterday by contemplating higher density at Foster's Group's $1 billion-plus CUB site development in Sydney's Chippendale, in exchange for higher affordable housing levies reports Paddy Manning in The Australian June 03, 2006.
State Government Action Threatens CUB Site - 2 June 2006
An eleventh hour grab for cash by the State Government is jeopardising two years of careful planning to set development controls and achieve community benefit from redevelopment of the historic Carlton and United Breweries (CUB) site at Chippendale reports Clover Moore in her E-News and a media statement.
Carlton & United Breweries Site Heritage Under Threat from Minister:
The following media release was issued by Andrew Woodhouse, president, Australian Heritage Institute Inc. - an Australia-wide umbrella group of local heritage societies on Thursday 8th JUNE 2006 in response to the SCPC voting to hand the CUB site over to Minister Frank Sartor. Under the RWA Act the RWA, for which Ministrer Sartor is also the Minister, gets the Affordable Housing levy from the CUB Site.
Slum city fears as Sartor grabs massive project - 9 June 2006
THE Minister for Planning, Frank Sartor, is set to take control of the city's biggest residential project, igniting fears he will allow enormous apartment blocks that will become Sydney's future slums reports Sherrill Nixon Urban Affairs Editor in the Sydney Morning Herald June 9, 2006.
Frank Sartors comments on CUB to Adam Spencer on 702 ABC - 9 June 2006
The following is a transcript of Minister Sartor's comments about the CUB site following a discussion about changes to Basix for high rise buildings.
Minister Steers Government Toward Another Cross City Tunnel Disaster - 9 June 2006
Lord Mayor Clover Moore MP in a Media release of 9 JUne 2006 called on the Minister for Planning to come clean on just how much money the State Government was planning to take from the CUB site, and to give assurances about how this money would be spent.
Inner Sydney families are to benefit from an immediate $318,527 investment in local preschools under the NSW Governments $85.2 million Preschool Investment Plan reports Kristina Keneally in her Heffron E-Herald 8 June 2006.
Heffron wins Public and Affordable Housing in Budget
The Iemma Government will spend over $20 million to provide much-needed affordable and public housing in the Heffron electorate reports Kristina Keneally's Heffron E-Herald 8 June 2006.
Kristina Keneally Backs Watertower Residents on Marian Street Park
Kristina Keneally's Heffron E-Herald 8 June 2006 contained the following article in which she anounced "I am writing to the Minister for Redfern and Waterloo to ask that he to listen to their concerns and to use the BEP to zone Marian Street Park as open space. This will ensure that the park remains a park. This would give local residents certainty. I also ask the Minister to develop a plan for the future maintenance of the park to ensure the park remains a valuable asset for the local community". The article says:
Inner city, government buses not good enough - SSH June 2006
A number of inner city bus services linking South Sydney to the CBD and beyond are consistently overcrowded and unreliable, leaving commuters stranded with no transportation reports Todd Dagwell in South Sydney Herald June 2006.
Redfern Police Station has its formal opening - SSH June 2006
A good cross-section of the Redfern-Waterloo community was at the ceremony for the official opening of the new Redfern Police Station on Friday 19 May by the NSW Minister for Police, Carl Scully reports Trevor Davies in the South Sydney Herald June 2006.
Local MP calls for street drinkers to be moved onto Wet Centres - SSH June 2006
The concept of Wet Centres to target street drinking has been raised as new Alcohol Free Zones (AFZs) are to be implemented in Redfern-Waterloo. Federal member for Heffron, Kristina Keneally, has raised the prospect of Wet Centres as an alternative strategy that could compliment Alcohol Free Zones reports Bill Birtles in the South Sydney Herald June 2006.
Rachel Foster should be considered for aged-care - SSH June 2006
A Melbourne-based company has approached the Redfern-Waterloo Authority (RWA)expressing an interest in operating an aged-care facility on the site of the former Rachel Foster Hospital in Redfern’s Pitt Street reports Alice Mulheron in the South Sydney Herald June 2006.
NSW Government Aboriginal Affairs Plan – For everywhere but in Redfern? - SSH June 2006
In 2003, the NSW Government agreed to a policy called “Two Ways Together Partnerships: A New Way of Doing Business with Aboriginal People”. It was to run until 2012. Report from The South Sydney Herald June 2006.
Midnight Basketball pilot sends warm ripples through the community - SSH June 2006
Midnight Basketball, an educational and basketball program for kids, was launched for the first time in Australia in the Redfern/Waterloo area in February this year reports Ben Falkenmire in the South Sydney Herald June 2006.
The City is holding an urgent meeting to discuss events surrounding the Carlton and United Breweries (CUB) site at Chippendale. Join me at 7.30 pm Thursday 15 June 2006, Medina Executive Sydney Central, 2 Lee Street Sydney (adjacent to Central Station). Update from Clover's E-News No 300 of 10 June 2006.
Once-bullied Sartor grows up and becomes a bully
IT'S that dumb-and-dumber feeling you get when someone grabs your hand and makes you slap yourself, hard, in the face. It's how the City of Sydney council must be feeling right now - writes Elizabeth Farrelly on the CUB site in the Sydney Morning Herald June 14, 2006.
The following report on Public Meeting regarding the CUB site and what residents can do to try and stop the CUB site being taken over by Planning Minister sartor is taken from CLOVER'S eNEWS - Friday 16 June 2006 - No. 301
Trust worried Redfern Waterloo Authority Plan is on the wrong track
The following Media release was issued by the National Trust on 13 February concening the RWA Draft Built environment Plan.
Planning Minister Frank Sartor today (21 June 2006) announced he would intervene in the $800 million redevelopment of the Carlton United Brewery site near Central Station, states a media release from his office.
City of Sydney Comment on the Carlton United Brewery site Anouncement
The following Media Statement was issued on 21 june 2006 by City of Sydney Council in response to the Minister's decision to declare the CUB site State Significant.
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