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Key Redfern Projects Move Forward

Two key urban renewal projects in the Redfern-Waterloo area have taken another step forward with the announcement of a successful tenderer for the Rachel Forster Hospital site, Planning Minister and Minister for Redfern-Waterloo Frank Sartor said today (24th January 2008) in this media release.

“The net proceeds from the sale of the Rachel Forster Hospital site will be dedicated to the development of a new $10 million community health centre proposed for the former Redfern Courthouse and Police Station site,” Mr Sartor said.

“This is an important proposal which involves both a new health facility and the adaptive re-use of the Courthouse - one of the area’s most prominent heritage buildings.”

The proposal is expected to be placed on public exhibition shortly.

Mr Sartor said Kaymet Corporation Pty Ltd would purchase the former Rachel Forster Hospital site for $11.5 million.

“The redevelopment of the Rachel Forster Hospital site will generate significant social, economic and environmental benefits for the Redfern-Waterloo area,” Mr Sartor said.

“The proposed redevelopment will deliver new housing and open space to the area, and controls are in-place to ensure that the historical significance of the site is maintained.”

In October, the Minister approved a concept plan for the site which is expected to generate $70 million worth of investment in the area.

Mr Sartor said the concept plan provided for up to 150 residential dwellings and more than 1,000 m2 of open space.

“Important heritage items, such as the existing surgery building and colonnade structure, are to be retained under the concept plan and incorporated into any new development,” Mr Sartor said.

The concept planning and tender process for the Rachel Forster Hospital site was managed by the Redfern-Waterloo Authority, the agency charged with stimulating urban renewal in the area.

Over the next ten years planning strategies put in place by the Redfern-Waterloo Authority are expected to generate about 440,000 square metres of employment space, 18,000 jobs and 2000 dwellings in Redfern-Waterloo area.

  • State Plan Priority P1: Increased business investment
  • State Plan Priority E6: A supply of land and housing that meets demand
  • State Plan Priority S1: Improved access to quality healthcare