Local Business
This section contains details about business issues in Redfern Waterloo. The area has its own Redfern Waterloo Chamber of Commerce which is the primary representative of the local business community.
- Redfern Waterloo Chamber of Commerce
- Redfern Waterloo Chamber of Commerce (RWCC) is a non-profit organisation providing service to businesses in the district. The Chamber operates its own website from which you can obtain more information. This is the link to the RWCC website.
- Waterloo Shops Community Safety Survey
- A meeting of Waterloo businesses, local residents, and community service providers was held on 1 October 2008 to discuss a number of issues around the Waterloo Shops. This meeting decided to circulate a questionnaire to Waterloo businesses as a first step to identify and prioritize issues prior to requesting Redfern Police to undertake a Community Safety Audit of the Waterloo Shops and to establishing a strategy to tackle the issues identified. Waterloo businesses are asked to return the questionnaire by 21st of November 2008.