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Ross Smith Cremation - Wed 21 Dec

We have just been informed un-expectantly that despite previous advice that Ross’s remains would not be released till Feb 2018 that in fact someone has organised his cremation for next week. The details advised to us are below in an email from Mike Shreenan at the Factory.

Event details


Dec 23, 2016
from 02:30 PM to 03:30 PM


South Chapel, Rookwood Crematorium

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If you missed this service you can download it from Ross Smith Cremation Service Video

Hi All

We have just been informed un-expectantly that  despite previous advice that Ross’s remains would not be relareased till Feb 2018 that in fact someone has organised his cremation for next week.

Details are thin and I am not sure on what authority these arrangment have been put in place,  as myself Jose were supposed to be contacted as ‘guardians’ of his affairs but this has not happened for whatever reason . Therefore we have had no input into these arrangements.

Neither of us really have the time to make a noise about it however Jose managed to get them not to have it on Monday and postpone it till Wed.  

The details are now all locked in &  we have been advised the details below

·         When: - Service will take place Wednesday 21st December

·         Location : - South Chapel, Rookwood crematorium at 2:30PM

·         Pulbic Notice:-   should appear in Sydney Morning Herald tomorrow. 

Contact : -  Warren Pepper from heritage funeral will be the contact on the day

The nature and content of the service we have not been advised of as yet.

I finish work today as my partner is having another operation this weekend therefore I will not be around for the next week or two,  so  I am not sure how we will get the word out to people but hopefully some of you can help with this.

It is also unlikely that I will make this service and I have no doubt there will be many who want to be there but won’t make it either. Laura is also now on leave .

In relation to his estate and personal belongings and content of his unit etc. myself and Jose will continue to liaise with the public guardian / HNSW on these matters In the new year.



Michael M Shreenan

Executive Officer

Counterpoint Community Services INC


Base: The Factory Community Centre

67 Raglan St Waterloo 2017

Ph: 9698 9569 Fax: 9310 4141

REDWatch Note: Details of the Community Celebration of Ross's life on 18th November can be found at the link below:


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