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Support for memorial to Trevor Davies

Heffron MP, Kristina Keneally, has expressed her support for the establishment of a permanent memorial to Trevor Davies at Redfern or Chippendale reports the October 2011 issues of the South Sydney Herald.
On September 15, a former SSH journalist interviewed Ms Keneally about an unrelated matter before asking her whether she’d heard of moves to get the Trev memorial ball rolling. She hadn’t, but after being filled in on suggestions already made by readers in the September edition of the SSH, the former premier agreed a memorial bench and plaque would make a fitting addition to the local landscape and was worthy of support.

On August 30, Ms Keneally spoke at an ALP Ethics Forum, arranged by local branches and held at Redfern Town Hall in honour of Trevor, the founding editor of the SSH. Trevor was a longstanding Labor Party man and secretary of the Darlington branch.

Source: October 2011 South Sydney Herald http://www.southsydneyherald.com.au/