You are here: Home / 2004-2012 Statements / Groundswell Formation / Join a Groundswell in Redfern and Waterloo - Residents

Join a Groundswell in Redfern and Waterloo - Residents

This is the text of the initial Groundswell leaflet distributed on 6 April 2011 to residents and the community announcing Groundswell. A link to the PDF version is provided at the foot of this page.

Join a Groundswell in Redfern and Waterloo

Are you fed up with ...

  • The failure of the Government to deliver on promises to improve local service delivery by implementing whole of government solutions that would help address disruptive tenants
  • The way Government treats public tenants and the inability of public housing administration to deal with maintenance, complaints and tenancy issues
  • The way Government has undermined the work of community organisations by not advising local workers about local consultations that affect residents.
  • Government not funding initiatives like RedWater News which gave residents a voice and replacing it with newsletters that only give the Government line.
  • Government bodies that work behind closed doors for years on plans for our community, but give residents only a month to read complicated documents on a website, think, discuss and comment on their plan.
  • Government saying it consulted lots of people about its plan when it really provided limited information to most people filling in a 5 question form with the incentive for some of a grocery voucher draw.
  • Government doing all this and then saying they are working in partnership with the community.

Do you have other burning issues of concern as a resident in the Redfern and Waterloo area where you feel no one seems to listen?

Then Join GROUNDSWELL TODAY and be part of the change you want to see.

Email us your details on:  or contact your local non-government community worker and ask them to send us your contact details



GROUNDSWELL is a community empowerment process facilitated by a coalition of Redfern and Waterloo non-government agencies.

The Government is consulting about the future of the area without residents understanding the

issues needed to make informed decisions. Groundswell aims to identify the problems of most concern to residents; what support and information residents need to understand the issues and then to explore options for resourcing residents and addressing the problems residents identify.

In May, the non-government agency coalition will initiate a process of community discussions for both public and private residents which will be run independent of Government.

We are hoping Groundswell will include representatives (maybe more than one) from the wide range of concerned individual residents and formal / informal groups in the area including: Neighbourhood Advisory Boards (NABs), Precincts, and other resident groups; carer and self-help groups; recreation and social groups; Aboriginal groups; culturally and linguistically diverse groups; special interest groups; religious groups; community gardeners or any other group where residents gather and inevitably talk about day to day things while doing whatever they do.

Groundswell wants to involve as many residents as possible. We want people to know about what is happing now or in the future and to hear what residents think. We want what happens in the discussion to be fed back into the community. We can’t get thousands of people in one room for a discussion, but we can get the people who together talk with thousands of people in one room and in that way give thousands of people a voice.

Before the first community discussion we encourage you to talk with your friends, neighbours, local agencies and your groups about Groundswell and the issues they think are important in Redfern and Waterloo. Ask what information, training or support would people find useful in understanding and responding to their issues? What actions do people think the community and agencies should take?

Finally we encourage you to consider coming to the first Groundswell discussion as a representative of your group or finding someone who can come from your group.

To be part of the Groundswell talk to your community worker or Community/Neighbourhood Centre, or email your contact details and the group(s) you are talking to

Groundswell where your views Matter. Stand up speak out

Say NO to bullying, intimidation, coercion and spin

Say YES to informed community involvement today!!

Download PDF of leaflet from - Join a Groundswell in Redfern and Waterloo - Residents PDF  File is 329 Kb PDF

This leaflet has also been translated into some community languages and can be downloaded below:

Groundswell - Indonesian Translation 526KB PDF - Bergabunglah dengan Groundswell in Redfern – Waterloo

Groundswell - Vietnamese Translation 567KB PDF - Tham gia nhóm Groundswell tại Redfern và Waterloo
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