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Brewery site revamp to include skyscraper

A skyscraper of up to 110 metres is being planned for the Carlton United Brewery site in Broadway in inner Sydney. [ABC News Friday, August 18, 2006]

Minister for Planning Frank Sartor wrested control of the site from the Sydney City Council in June, saying a proposal for redevelopment was log jammed with constraints.

A public meeting was held this week where the plans for the site were revealed to local residents, including the skyscraper and the removal of a number of heritage-listed buildings.

The chairman of the panel set up to advise the minister, Chris Johnson, says the height of the skyscraper is only a maximum, but the building needs to tie in with the high rise building at the University of Technology.

"We've got to relate somehow to the scale of the University of Technology (UTS) tower," Mr Johnson said.

"We can't pretend it's not there, and the previous jury said a building that masks the UTS tower from Chippendale [is] probably not a bad solution.

"It's also potentially a major gateway [and] arrival point from the west into Sydney, and if we can get an architectural solution that gives that character it would be a very positive thing."

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