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More Police Officers for Eastern Suburbs and South Sydney

Member for Heffron Kristina Keneally in her Heffron E-Herald of 18 August 2006 advised that Redfern will get eight new police officers in September 2006 with the possibility of additional numbers in January 2007.

Crime has been falling or stable in almost every category, but this does not mean we can take our eye off the ball.  That’s why I’ve been asking the Minister for Police to have a close look at our area when the next batch of recruits graduates from Goulburn. You may recall that a few months ago I took Minister Scully to Redfern to meet with police officers at that command.

The Minister this week announced that police ranks in four Local Area Commands in Sydney’s east and south-east will be boosted with the addition of 28 new police officers next month.

Minister Scully said the new probationary constables will -- subject to all officers graduating successfully -- take up their posts early next month in the following Local Area Commands:  Botany Bay (4), Eastern Beaches (8), Eastern Suburbs (5), Redfern (8) and Rose Bay (3)

The Minister also advises me that these commands will be in line for more officers early next year when the 750 new probationary constables graduate in January, which will raise authorised strength to a record 15,206 officers across NSW.

Kristina Keneally's Heffron E-Herald 18 August 2006

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