The World Health Organisation recognises Northcott
The iconic Surry Hills landmark, Northcott Housing Estate, is the frst in the world to be recognised by the World Health Organisation as a “Safe Community”. For the last 4 years, national arts organisation Big hART has used cultural activities to bring about change at Northcott, working with Police, Department of Housing, Tenants and a myriad of other community partners. These creative initiatives have included the well publicised and highly successful production of Stickybricks and portrait exhibition, tenant by tenant, for the 2006 Sydney Festival and the documentary 900 Neighbours which premiered at the Sydney Film Festival in June. Using a whole of government approach, the partners have been successful in creating signifcant behavioral changes within the Northcott community. While crime and violence still occurs at Northcott, the tenants have become better equipped to respond to these issues together. It is this ability to deal with and address issues of safety that the World Health Organisation is acknowledging.
Source: Have You Heard? Edited by Trevor Davies in South Sydney Herald December 2006