Council has not yet given owner's consent for use of the land in Foster's Concept Plan, but has given the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) authority to negotiate and achieve an outcome that will benefit City communities. In doing this, the CEO must take into account:
- the terms of the proposal to dedicate the 5,000 square metres park;
- the process to determine detailed design, timing of works to the proposed public park and Balfour Street park, and timing of the proposed transfer of land to the City; and
- whether the City has received a legally enforceable plan and commitment to retaining the City's land for a public purpose.
Fosters' plan proposes including part of Balfour Street and Irving Lane in a new 5,000 square metre park, using part of Balfour Street to create a new pocket park, and changed access from Regent Street involving part of Kensington Street. If approval is given, the sections of road can only be used for the purposes approved by the City and would be kept in the ownership of the City.
The Minister can still approve the Concept Plan without these sections of road. However, the land would not formally be part of the endorsed Concept Plan, potentially leading to a fragmented park in the new development that was divided by these sections of roadway.
Owner's consent to include the land in the Concept Plan does not give approval for the roads to be closed or for traffic changes, nor will it prevent Council carrying out its own works for a Balfour Street pocket park. These changes require separate decisions of Council that would only be made after public consultation.
Committees/041206/finance.asp (scroll down to item 6).