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The 3801 steam locomotive was recently transferred from the Large Erecting Shop in Eveleigh to the Hunter Valley Training Company workshops. Clover Moore is concerned that this makes way for redevelopment of the Eveleigh site for non-rail uses. (From CLOVER'S eNEWS - Friday 15 December 2006 - No. 327)

The Friends of Eveleigh tell me that most of the original railway machinery has been maintained in the Large Erecting Shop where steam trains were made and serviced for over a century. It is the only workshop of its kind in its original condition and is still in use.

The Government is focused on redeveloping the site. While the Large Erecting Shop is listed on the heritage schedule of the Redfern-Waterloo State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP), this SEPP rezones the site for commercial use with buildings up to 12 storeys allowed.

Following my previous submission to former Premier Carr, I have asked the current Premier to urgently review the future of the remaining Eveleigh complex. The remaining historic buildings and their contents, including the 3801, should be protected from development and preserved from deterioration by age or neglect.

Other State Governments have celebrated their rail heritage, with the Western Australia Government supporting a "living museum" of rail heritage at the Midland Railway Workshop and the Queensland Government initiating an interactive rail heritage museum at the Ipswich Workshops Rail Museum.

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