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Where there’s smoke there’s … pollution

It has been described as a living museum, a unique snapshot of history preserved in time, or merely an amusement device that runs round in circles but, to some unhappy residents living in Chippendale, an iconic locomotive is causing smoke to come out of their ears reports Claire Thompson in the South Sydney Herald of May 2007.

The 3801 steam train is Australia’s best known and most widely travelled steam train. The racing-green streamlined 1940s locomotive lives at the NSW Rail Transport Museum in the Southern Highlands during the week yet is causing problems at Mortuary Station in Chippendale some weekends. The locomotive is part of the heritage steam fleet operating under the name Heritage Express which runs a number of excursions from Central Station at weekends.

Complications have arisen for Chippendale residents when the trains (namely the 3801) are parked in the Mortuary Station siding, creating pollution attacks from the sooty smoke emitted by the parked engines. One resident from a street which backs onto the station platform said, “Depending on the direction and strength of the wind residents of the apartment blocks at 52 Regent Street are now regularly suffering pollution and are being forced to shut windows on these warm evenings.”

A spokesperson from Heritage Express who does not wish to be named was quick to point out that the amount of pollution from a steam powered vehicle is less than a motor vehicle on a horse-power basis. Steam trains need to be fired up for many hours to get them going and it is during this process that the most smoke is created. Heritage Express say they always ensure they let the fire die down overnight called “banking the fire” in order to create a minimum amount of pollution, and wherever possible avoid using dusty, low grade steaming coal which can create dirty, black smoke with a sulphurous smell.

Source: South Sydney Herald May 2007

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