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Celebrating creation and supporting its creatures

Maybe when St Francis and St Clare of Assisi focused the church of their time on the creation and its creatures, they were actually enjoying themselves writes Dorothy McRae-McMahon in the South Sydney Herald of November 2007.

That’s certainly what happened at South Sydney Uniting Church when it held a special service a few weeks ago to honour those saints and to celebrate creation.

Those in attendance included a significant selection of dogs, mice running around on their spinning wheel, dragons looking bemused in a box, and photos of cats who preferred to be represented in their absence. Children brought their favourite animal toys and placed them among all sorts of colours and shapes in flowers and leaves.

There was a great sense of celebration in the singing, even as worshipers reflected on their grave responsibilities as people who could protect or destroy the creation and its vulnerable occupants.

Monika’s Doggie Rescue representative Elizabeth Boag, who is well known for her newsagency in Waterloo, spoke about the work of the group in saving dogs who would otherwise have been put down, and some of the dogs present had been saved through the work of her group. They were certainly testimony to the life-saving activities of Doggie Rescue as they mingled with each other happily and greeted the people. The congregation gave donations for support of this good work.

After the service, everyone went into the community garden which has been created at the back of the church. The animals were blessed by Rev. Andrew Collis as all enjoyed Naomi Ward’s especially-made decorated cakes and relaxed among the plants in the sun.

Maybe saints Francis and Clare would have been greenies had they lived in our age? They were certainly there in spirit and in truth on that day.

Photo: Ali Blogg Caption: Rev. Andrew Collis blesses a mouse

Source: South Sydney Herald November 2007

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