A spiked love story
The lobbying for the reinstatement of voluntary euthanasia by Greens senator Bob Brown and YouTube videos to the PM have caused recent social debates. Kiss Me Like You Mean It brings a human perspective to this issue with raucous humour coming off the back of deeply touching moments.
Three years ago, when reading the script for the first time, Melinda Dransfield had her friend Maggie Blinco in mind for the role of Edie. Maggie is a veteran performer with over 30 years in theatre and television. The two met in 2000 while working on the touring show of The Importance of Being Ernest and have been friends every since. Melinda says: “I never in my wildest dreams imagined actually being on a stage with her. When I showed the script to her I was concerned about her reaction to it, having suffered cancer herself.” Nevertheless, after doing a reading of the play, Blinco came on board.
Melinda goes on to say: “To have someone of her calibre and her age agreeing to do a co-op production for the first time in her life is a testament to the strength of her involvement in the show but also the story that she wants to tell.” After working in theatre for many years, Melinda has noted that most people don’t realise that nobody is getting paid in productions like these. “When you get two people like Peter [Carmody] and Maggie agreeing to do something like this, it just shows the strength of the story we’re trying to tell and just how important is.”
Kiss Me Like You Mean It runs from October 23 until November 22 at the Old Fitzroy Hotel, 129 Dowling Street, Woolloomooloo. www.rocksurfers.org .
Source: South Sydney Herald November 2008 www.southsydneyherald.com.au