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Something about homeless people that makes some people feel uncomfortable

The Central Courier reported last month that residents of the St Margaret’s Village apartments, opposite Edward Eagar Lodge, are considering hiring extra security guards because of antisocial behaviour caused by alcohol. Locals, the Courier says, have complained about the large number of homeless people hanging around outside the Lodge. They blame the homeless for disturbances rather than the crowds of people who flock to the late-night premises which serve alcohol on Oxford Street. Homeless people are easier to blame reports Trevor Davies in The Fast News in the South Sydney Herald of December 2008.

The Manager of Edward Eager Lodge, David Polkington, told the Central Courier: “If anything goes wrong in the area the homeless always get the blame.” It was only a few years ago in Surry Hills that residents adjacent to a small park complained about homeless men and some women sitting and drinking and talking to each other. Occasionally they would urinate in public, as there were no public toilets. The then South Sydney Council tried to put in a public toilet but residents objected. People can be heartless!

Source: South Sydney Herald December 2008

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