Cycling, recycling
A new addition to the WRW is its partnership with the Sydney Community Bike Workshop. The bike workshop, formerly located in Newtown, works to repair and recycle bicycles for the community.
According to Mark Finger from the bike workshop, the new location at the Waterloo Towers, “means that we can reach a lot of people who need bicycle repairs on the cheap”.
The bike workshop offers facilities to provide free bicycle repairs and mechanical education for purposes of developing mechanical skills and enhancing people’s mobility. “We replace or rebuild most parts on any bicycle. We often have whole bicycles that we can give away for free,” Mr Finger says.
The Sydney Community Bike Workshop is looking for people who are willing to volunteer their time. “We are fundamentally a volunteer-run organisation, and so without contributions from the community we cannot hope to do the work we intend to,” Mr Finger says. The workshop also welcomes the donation of bicycles and bicycle parts that can be reused or repaired.
The bike workshop is open from 5 to 9pm every Monday. For more information on how to become involved, see the webpage: .
The WRW is open, for donations, restorations and business, between 8.30am and 12.30pm each Friday. Contact Naomi Ward at the Factory on 9698 9569.
Photo: Andrew Collis - Cr Irene Doutney unlocks the door to the Waterloo Recycling Workshop
Source: South Sydney Herald December 2008