Have you heard? - The fast news with Trevor Davies – November 2009
Farewell to Redfern RSL?
A few months ago we reported on developments at Redfern RSL. The building had been sold to a developer to build 18 storeys and then the plan was for the RSL to buy a floor which it will fit out to become its new home. That all sounds good but the plan seemed to depend on a merger with a nearby club. However, the membership at a meeting rejected that proposal. As we go to press the Board hasn’t decided on where to go from here. We will have a full report next month.
Police shut down unauthorised rave party in Alexandria
I’ve never understood the idea of rave parties. They seem to happen in old disused factories, probably fire traps. The organisers don’t have Council approval and usually upset residents nearby. On Saturday October 17, police from Redfern Local Area Command were alerted to a large crowd congregating outside a disused building in Bourke Road, Alexandria. They attended the location and found around 500 people dancing throughout the building.
The police media reports did say that the mood was positive, with no incidents of anti-social or criminal behavior observed by officers. However, at about 1am police returned to the scene, after receiving reports that a number of people had been assaulted inside the venue. They decided to shut down the event and move on the large crowd, which had grown to approximately 800. Additional police resources were brought in, including the Public Order and Riot Squad and Rescue Squad, and a number of dance floors were progressively shut down and partygoers asked to leave.
The crowd had dispersed by 5am with officers making one arrest for assaulting police and resisting arrest and issuing infringements to two other revellers for disobeying directions. If you were there I’d be interested to know why you like rave parties.
Have you ever had a rave party happen in your street? Did you think it was okay?
Email your comments to trevrssh@bigpond.net.au .
That Erskineville supermarket!
As Fast News reported last month, that supermarket finally received approval, with the support of Clover’s team, but the campaign goes on. The website has a big black headline proclaiming ‘Clover Kills City of Villages’. Every house in Erskineville was letterboxed with a pamphlet saying the same thing. They are angry. Rob Morrison has been talking to Erko people – read his report in this issue of the SSH. This issue will still be around at the next Council election!
A good way to spend Survival/Australia Day
I always find Australia Day difficult. The seemingly thousands of people wrapping themselves in the Australian flag, and even flying Aussie flags from their balconies. If you want to escape that sort of stuff, come and join us on Tribal Warrior’s boat out on the Harbour, and help raise money for your favourite community newspaper! It should be a great evening. Come and meet the South Sydney Herald team!
The Secret Millionaire visits the inner city
You may have seen the recent episode of The Secret Millionaire that featured The Settlement as well as other local NGOs. The Settlement was fortunate to receive $100,000 from Peter Bond, the “secret millionaire”. This will help to take pressure off some of The Settlement’s program needs, but it still has to raise money for the much needed building upgrade which will require greater funding.
The Settlement has applied for funding to complete part of the upgrade from the Federal Government’s Community Building Partnership Project. The program provides a total of $300,000 in grants to each state electorate to build local community projects. The Settlement is in the Marrickville electorate.
Carmel Tebbutt, the State MP, has launched a website where those in the Marrickville electorate can vote for the project they would prefer to receive funding. You can see it at http://cbp.carmeltebbutt.com.au/Project/Details/the-sydney-university-settlement. [REDWatch Note at the time of posting this had been removed from Carmel Tebbutt’s website]
Source: www.southsydneyherald.com.au