ATP Letter on C7 Residents Meeting - 23 Dec 09
23 December 2009
I am writing to you to thank you for your attendance at the Australian Technology
Park (ATP) Community Information Meeting held on 15th December 2009 regarding 8 Central Avenue Eveleigh.
I trust that the information that was discussed at the meeting helped provide you with a better understanding of how the building and surrounding area w ill operate.
Your comments and advice on issues of concern were noted and are being actioned by the ATP. This includes:
- the investigation of the lighting of the building and the round-about at Alexandria Street,
- the investigation of the metal on metal noise reported coming from the air-conditioning units,
- the installation of additional bollards to prevent vehicles accessing the park from Alexandria St, and
- working in conjunction with the City of Sydney to contract a consultant to investigate parking options for the local area.
Another Community Information meeting will be arranged to take place in early 2010. Notice of this meeting will be provided once details are confirmed. ln addition we will keep you informed of any significant developments via the ATP Newsletter.
Should you wish to discuss any of the above or require assistance with matters
relating to the building please contact the following:
- For building matters contact Chris Saunders General Manager ATP on 9209 4431 (Business Hours) and After Hours ATP Security on 9209 4666 and
- For community related matters ATP Communication, Ben Falkenmire 9202 9112 or Redfern-Waterloo Authority, Community Relations Manager, Julie Parsons or 9202 9117.
Once again thank you for your participation.
Yours sincerely
Roy Wakelin-King
Managing Director