Community Consultation Parking Study in Local Area Adjacent Australian Technology Park
The purpose of the study is to;
- Assess the parking conditions in the local streets;
- Develop a Draft Parking Plan for the area and seek community comments on this plan; and
- Following consideration of community comments finalise the Parking Plan and submit this to City of Sydney Council for their consideration and implementation, if appropriate.
The purpose of this newsletter is to inform you about the study and advise that if you wish to make a submission about parking matters in your street or area, please do so in writing, using one of the following methods by Friday 16th April 2010.
By email -
By facsimile - Transport and Urban Planning Fax No. 9545 1556
By post - Terry Lawrence, Transport and Urban Planning, PO Box 533, SUTHERLAND NSW 1499
The Parking Study Area is shown on the map overleaf. Please note that any changes to the current parking arrangements will need to be approved by the City of Sydney Council. The City of Sydney Council will consider any proposal put forward by ATPPML in accordance with its current policies and procedures. These are detailed on the City’s website at
In your submission please identify your address, the parking issue and the streets involved.
Thankyou for your assistance.