HNSW Community Renewal Events for Redfern Waterloo - June 2010
Community Renewal Events for Redfern Waterloo
In June we invite you to a series of special events about community and urban renewal for residents and local organisations in Redfern and Waterloo.
Thursday 3 June: Site Visit to HNSW’s Bonnyrigg Renewal Project
Stage 1 of the Bonnyrigg Renewal project is almost complete. On this site visit, you will get to see the quality of the new development, the housing form and see inside some newly built social housing properties.
You will be introduced to the Bonnyrigg masterplan and see how it is being brought to life. Newleaf Communities (the project managers), St George Community Housing and resident members of the Community Reference Group will speak to you about their experiences over the last 5 years of the project.
Pick up at the Factory Community Centre at 9.15 am (bus leaves at 9.30 am), returning 3.30 pm. Lunch kindly provided by Newleaf Communities
Tuesday 8 June: Communities and Renewal Forum
This Forum will include presentations and discussions of contemporary community renewal research and best practice, and provide you with the opportunity to shape community renewal research in Redfern and Waterloo.
The day includes presentations from two community renewal experts, one international and one local.
Jim Diers (Neighbour Power: building community the Seattle way) is an expert on community working with Government to achieve renewal. His work in Seattle (USA) over many years is now being replicated across many cities in the world. Jim will bring his toolbox of techniques and inspiration to Redfern and Waterloo for this one off special event.
Jim’s presentation is sponsored by Housing NSW and the Redfern Waterloo Authority with the support of Redwatch.
Bruce Judd (UNSW) Following lunch, a well known Sydney urban planner, Bruce Judd will present Urban Design and Masterplanning 101. He has worked with Housing NSW on several of its major renewal projects – Bonnyrigg, Minto and Airds – and has a long history of working with the Redfern and Waterloo communities on renewal and community development.
Future Community Renewal Research: You will also be presented with an overview of contemporary community renewal research, including research being conducted by Housing NSW. This will be followed by a discussion in which you will be asked to help shape a research program for Redfern and Waterloo.
The discussions of contemporary and future community renewal research will be facilitated by Bernie Coates and David Lilley of the Strategic Projects Division, Housing NSW.
9:15 am – 3:30 pm Geddes Room, Salvation Army Sydney Congress Hall, 140 Elizabeth Street, Sydney Lunch provided.
Thursday 17 June: ‘Estates in the balance: best practice in redevelopment and regeneration of public housing estates.’ A Shelter NSW Conference
Housing NSW is sponsoring 20 residents from Redfern and Waterloo to attend the conference. The day will feature a range of speakers and canvas many of the key issues for social housing residents about renewal in public housing areas.
9am – 4pm, NSW Teachers Federation conference centre, 37 Reservoir Street, Surry Hills, Sydney
We hope you will be able to join us at one or all of these events and look forward to receiving your response by Friday 21 May 2010.
Yours sincerely
Bernie Coates
Director Community Building
Strategic Projects
13 May 2010
To secure your place at these events, reply to this invitation by Friday 21 May 2010 in any of the following ways:
Email advising which dates you will be attending and confirming contact address and telephone numbers
Fax the relevant dates selected and contact address and telephone numbers completed to (02) 9268 3496
Post the relevant dates selected and contact address and telephone numbers completed to Tuyen Duong, PO Box K100, Haymarket, NSW 1240
Call Tuyen Duong on (02) 9268 3492 advising which dates you will be attending and confirming your name and telephone number
PLease provide the following Information:
I wish to attend the following events:
□ Thursday 3 June: Site Visit to HNSW’s Bonnyrigg Renewal Project
□ Tuesday 8 June: Communities and Renewal Forum
Do you need transport to this event? Yes □ No □
□ Thursday 17 June: ‘Estates in the balance’: A Shelter NSW conference
Do you need transport to this event? Yes □ No □
Tel: Mobile:
Any special dietary requirements/allergies:
We look forward to welcoming you to one or all of the above Community Renewal Events