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Questions for New NSW Government

REDWatch has set out a series of questions in has about NSW Government Policy as it relates to Redfern and Waterloo Issues. The list of questions below were part of an invitation to Premier Barry O'Farrell for himself or one of his relevant Ministers to attend a REDWatch meeting and brief locals about how his Government proposes to do to address a range of Redfern and Waterloo Issues.

Issues of concern to REDWatch that are likely to come up at the meeting and for which we would like details on your government’s position:


  • Does the Government propose to continue with the BEP2 setting of planning controls for the redevelopment of public housing in Redfern and Waterloo or will this responsibility be transferred back to City of Sydney Council?
  • What will happen with North Eveleigh under this Government? Will the Approved Concept Plan continue to apply with Part 3A changes your Government has foreshadowed? Will the government strengthen the heritage protection of key parts of this site (especially the Paint Shop and Heritage Interpretation) prior to sale? What is the impact of the delay on the City Relief line on its sale? Does the Government favour the sale to Sydney University or sale for commercial development?
  • Will the Government keep the Australian Technology Park in Government ownership and if not how will it ensure the heritage buildings and equipment on this site are preserved for and accessed by future generations.
  • Will the Government consider financial support of the Pemulwuy Project to provide affordable Aboriginal Housing?
  • With the winding up of the RWA will all consent powers both for under (from RWA) and over $5 million (from DoP) go back to the City of Sydney Council?
  • Will the RWA SEPP Planning Controls be made part of the Council LEP?
  • What will the role of the Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority be in Redfern and Waterloo under your Government?


  • What will the Government do to ensure maintenance in public housing will be done in a prompt and efficient manner?
  • What changes does the Government propose in Housing NSW Allocations policies and the provision of integrated human services to high needs individuals to ensure tenants receive “quiet enjoyment” of their tenancies.
  • Will the proposed Housing NSW Master Plan for Redfern and Waterloo public housing be put through Council or will it be dealt with by the Department of Planning?
  • Does the Government support the key BEP2 proposals and is it prepared to fund: building/ purchasing 700 public housing units in the City of Sydney LGA to take the families to be moved from Redfern and Waterloo?; 700 Affordable housing units in the redevelopment?; retention and renovation of all public housing high rises in Redfern and Waterloo?; the proposed mix of private, public and affordable units?; Does the Government support the mix being spread across all housing types including private units in the the renovated public housing high rises?
  • Will the Government support funding for Tenant Advocacy and for helping tenants, independent of Housing NSW, understand the proposals for the redevelopment of their homes so they can make considered input into the consultations about the redevelopment?


  • Will the Implementation Senior Officers Group (ISOG) still continue to coordinate human services in Redfern and Waterloo? Who will be the lead agency for this?
  • Will the Redfern Waterloo Human Services Plans be implemented?
  • What will Government do to improve the integration of human service delivery for people of high and complex needs to ensure current and future public tenants living in higher densities have the services they need and the community has the quite enjoyment it is entitled to?
  • What is proposed to continue the Aboriginal Employment and Training Programmes run by the RWA?
  • Will the Employment and Enterprise Plan be implemented and progress evaluated?
  • How can these programmes be expanded to provide all public tenants with such support?
  • What mechanism is proposed with the disbanding of the Human Services Ministerial Advisory Committee for Government and Non Government Agencies and residents to liaise on Human Services issues that impact the area?


  • Will the Government support the continuation of Redfern Waterloo Heritage Taskforce (RWHT) following the cessation of the RWA?
  • Will the Heritage Office co-ordinate and service the RWHT and the mechanisms necessary to ensure Heritage is Protected and Promoted across the Former Eveleigh Railyards.
  • What role will the newly Independent Heritage Office have over the former Eveleigh Rail yards for ensuring the Implementation of the Eveleigh Heritage Interpretation Plan and Conservation Management Plans?
  • Does the Government support the active heritage use of the Large Erecting Shop by heritage operators rather than its use as a storage place for electric carriages which have to move from North Eveleigh?
  • Will the Office of Rail Heritage come under the minister for Heritage or the Minister for Transport?


  • Will the Government move to upgrade Redfern Station and provide disabled access as a matter of Urgency and Equity for the large number of people that use this station?
  • Will the Government support east / west inner city linkages like the Council supported Village to Village bus to enable residents, especially from public housing, access hospitals and shopping centres when all main public transport only heads to the city and cross city movement takes many service changes?
  • Will the Office of Rail Heritage come under the minister for Heritage or the Minister for Transport?


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