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Council Decision on Abercrombie Street Upgrades - Feb 2012

Council decided to proceed with its upgrade scoping proposal for Abercrombie Street with the addition of a flush road treatment at Ivy Street. It was also resolved that a scoping report be prepared for council covering areas not covered by the current scoping report including the Northern side of Abercrombie Street.

The final resolution of council can be found below:


At the meeting of Council, it was moved by Councillor Doutney, seconded by Councillor McInerney –

It is resolved that:

(A) Council endorse the design scope for Abercrombie Street, Darlington as described in Option A in the subject report and included in the drawings at Attachments A and B to the subject report, amended to increase to include a flush road threshold treatment at Ivy Street, for progression to construction documentation and tendering;

(B) Council note community feedback and the City’s response regarding the developed design plans, as detailed in Attachment C to the subject report;

(C) Council note the estimated project cost of Option A and that additional funding will be required in the 2013-2016 Corporate Plan, as detailed in confidential Attachment D to the subject report;

(D) Council note the additional funds for inclusion of a flush road threshold treatment at Ivy Street of approximately $40,000;

(E) the additional funds for inclusion of a flush road threshold treatment at Ivy Street be included in future corporate plans and a scoping report be prepared for Council. This includes works to the north side of Abercrombie Street, paving from Abercrombie Street to Ivy Lane, undergrounding of the northern side overhead wires and the undergrounding of wires in front of the Glengarry Hotel; and

(F) Financial Implications, Attachment D to the subject report, remain confidential in accordance with Section 10A(2)(c) of the Local Government Act 1993.

Carried unanimously.

Source: Meeting Minutes - 20 February 2012 | PDF 229Kb Page 28 & 29

Letter from Clover Moore re Abercrombie Street Upgrade on 19 April 2012

I refer to your email about the City’s proposed upgrade to Abercrombie Street. I apologise for the delay in responding.  

At its meeting on 13 February, Council voted to expand the scope of this project.  

City staff will now develop a design proposal for the northern side of Abercrombie Street, including the intersection of Abercrombie and Lawson Streets. We will make our designs available to the public and ask the community for feedback later in the year.  

I note your five recommendations for the upgrade. Rob Mueck, the City’s Project Manager tells me that: 

  • the southern footpath between Ivy and Lawson Street is now part of the expanded proposal; 
  • Council has resolved to undertake a scoping report for the northern side of Abercrombie Street, between Shepherd Street and Ivy Lane. This will include the intersection of Abercrombie and Lawson Streets as well as the area outside the Glengarry Hotel; 
  • the project now includes a raised road threshold at Ivy Street. The kerb width will need to be altered or realigned as the threshold will be level with the pavement surface on both sides of the street; 
  • City staff will consider the feasibility of providing level access from Little Eveleigh Street to Shepherd Street in the scoping report; and 
  • City staff will also address placing all electrical connections under the ground in their scoping report.  

If you would like to speak with a Council officer about the Abercrombie Street upgrade, you can contact Rob on 9265 9333. 

Below you can find the background to this decision:

Council Upgrade Options

These were considered by Council’s Environment & Heritage Committee on Monday 13 February 2012. You can see the documents for the committee on

The report links are:

Abercrombie Street Improvements – Darlington Village – Project Scope | PDF 89Kb

Some Concerns Raised

Following feedback Geoff and Lyn Turnbull sent the following email to the committee and these concerns were referred to the CEO for consideration before the 20 February Council Meeting:

Dear Councillors

We write to support in principle Option A being proposed by Officers for the Abercrombie Street Improvements to be considered by the Environment and Heritage Committee on 13 February 2012.

This is a good first step, but there is concern from those we have talked to that contrary to the report this option does not “consolidate the Darlington Village precinct”, as the treatment being proposed has not explored treatments for both sides of the road but only for the area on the Southern side. There are also some concerns about some omissions from the Southern side plans.

We urge the Committee to approve the necessary funds to provide a more comprehensive rollout for this village centre.

Issue 1 

The City’s responses to Community Feedback note that “subject to approval of budget, the proposal could extend to the southern footpath between Ivy Street and Lawson Street” but no recommendation for this is contained within the report.

To create a whole of village treatment, the treatment proposed for the Southern footpath needs to be also made to cover the other retail areas on the Northern side of Abercrombie and around the Glengarry Hotel. These retail areas are situated on corners so paved corner treatments around Shepherd Lane, Ivy Street and Ivy Lane would unify them into the village if finished with a similar paved treatment.


  • That the committee requests Council Officers to prepare a proposal for the upgrade of the northern side of Abercrombie Street, between Shepherd Street and Ivy Lane, that would include complimentary works for the non-widened side of the street to incorporate the northern side of the upgraded street into a village feel around the retail areas on both sides of Abercrombie St. This proposal should also deal with a recommendation for the area outside the Glengarry Hotel.

Issue 2

We welcome the raised thresholds on Shepherd Lane, but do not understand why this treatment has not been proposed for Ivy Street.


  • That Council Officers explore the feasibility for a raised threshold at Ivy Street.

Issue 3

If a raised threshold is not possible pedestrian flow at high peak volume times will be slowed if someone needs to seek out the ramps in the crowd.


  • That the committee request Council Officers to prepare a proposal to increase the width of the kerb ramps to the full footpath width to accommodate pedestrian traffic use of the ramp, rather than for someone needing to seek the ramp out in a crowd.
  • Council Officers should also explore the possibility of changing the alignment of the blister curb at Ivy Street to the west  to facilitate wider kerb ramps.

Issue 4

It is not clear why the South side treatment currently proposed should not extend to Ivy Lane rather than cut off a few metres before it.


  • That the work on the Southern side be extended to Ivy Lane and that Council Officers explore the feasibility for a raised threshold in Ivy Lane to provide level access across the entire route from Little Eveleigh Street to Shepherd Street.

Issue 5

The report refers only to undergrounding of electricity on the Southern side of Abercrombie Street. It does not make clear if delivery to the northern side is to also be undergrounded. Electricity supply on the Northern side of Abercrombie Street is delivered via the Southern side. Electricity on the Northern side should also be undergrounded in subsequent works. This would complement the undergrounding in Lawson Street and provide undergrounding along the entire high pedestrian movement route.


  • All electrical connections from the Southern to Northern side (including in front of the Glengarry Hotel) are to be undergrounded.
  • Undergrounding of the Northern side of Abercrombie Street is to be explored in the recommendation for issue 1.

Finally we support the suggestion that a seat at Darlington shops be dedicated to Trevor Davies. We also support the reuse of the sandstone curbs in the widening.

We trust that it will be possible for the committee to consider this written feedback when this matter comes before you. At this stage it looks like Geoff will be unable to attend the committee and speak to this matter but he is happy to provide any further clarification that might be helpful.


Geoffrey and Lyn Turnbull

Source:  Item 7.7 Attachment A | PDF 89 Kb

Council Officers Response in the Relevant Information for Council

SUBJECT: Information Relevant To Item 7.7 - Abercrombie Street Improvements - Darlington Village - Project Scope - At Council 20 February 2012


It is resolved that:

  • (A) Council endorse the design scope for Abercrombie Street, Darlington as described in Option A in the subject report and included in the drawings at Attachments A and B to the subject report, amended to increase to include a flush road threshold treatment at Ivy Street, for progression to construction documentation and tendering;
  • (B) Council note community feedback and the City’s response regarding the developed design plans, as detailed in Attachment C to the subject report;
  • (C) Council note the estimated project cost of option A and that additional funding will be required in the 2013-2016 Corporate Plan, as detailed in confidential Attachment D to the subject report;
  • (D) Council note the additional funds for inclusion of a flush road threshold treatment at Ivy Street of approximately $40,000; and
  • (E) the Financial Implications, being Attachment D to the subject report, remain confidential in accordance with Section 10A(2)(c) of the Local Government Act 1993.


A recommendation was proposed to the meeting of the Environment and Heritage Committee held on Monday 13 February to endorse the design scope for Abercrombie Street, Darlington Village. The project sought to deliver projects from the Newtown, Darlington, Erskineville and Camperdown Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Plan 2010 that enhanced amenity of the local area and provided a safe and convenient walking and cycle access.

Community consultation and exhibition of the scope of works and concept plan was held in

October 2011.

Reference was made to an email submitted by Mr Turnbull on 12 February 2012 (attached)

Below is a summary of issues raised in the email:

  • That the southern footpath between Ivy Street and Lawson Street be recommended for inclusion in the proposal.

The project prioritised the southern side of Abercrombie Street to address the higher pedestrian activity between Redfern Station and Sydney University, and the commercial premises.

Footpath works between Ivy Street and Lawson Street (southern side) are included in the proposed scope as outlined in the scoping report.

  • That a design proposal be prepared for the upgrade of the northern side of Abercrombie Street, between Shepherd Street and Ivy Lane.

A second stage of works for a comprehensive upgrade of the northern side of Abercrombie Street could be considered for inclusion in future Corporate Plans, and is discussed further below.

  • That a raised threshold at Ivy Street be considered.

The feasibility of raised thresholds at intersections was investigated during design development and two raised thresholds are currently proposed at Shepherd Lane. A raised threshold at Ivy Street was not considered feasible due to stormwater drainage constraints and Roads Authority technical requirements.

  • If a raised threshold at Ivy Street is not possible, that the width of kerb ramps to the full footpath width be increased, and the possibility of changing the kerb alignment be explored.

Pram ramps at Ivy Street will be reviewed with a view to making them as wide as possible in accordance with site constraints and access requirements.

The kerb at Ivy Street is required to remain in the current alignment to enable stormwater flows to travel around the corner into Abercrombie Street.

The current design could incorporate a road level threshold treatment at Ivy Street. A detailed cost plan has not been prepared for this item. However, a benchmark review indicates that in the order of $40,000 additional funds would be required to incorporate into the current scope of works. This is recommended.

  • That the project scope of work on Lawson Street to Ivy Lane be extended.

The extent of new pavement in Lawson Street responds to the Abercrombie Street alignment. The new pavement will align with the footpath on Abercrombie Street.

Paving works in Lawson Street, between Ivy Lane and current proposed extent of works at Abercrombie Street intersection, could be included in a second stage of works, discussed further below.

  • That undergrounding electricity supply on the northern side of Abercrombie Street and on the southern side in front of the Glengarry Hotel (corner of Lawson Street) be considered.

The current scheme proposes undergrounding to the southern side of Abercrombie Street only as the existing overhead wires and electrical supply are located on this side. Overhead wires on the northern side of Abercrombie Street consist only of building connections and do not interfere with the established tree canopy.

Feasibility of undergrounding of the building connections on the northern side of Abercrombie Street could be considered in a second stage of works, discussed further below.

Undergrounding of wires and paving works to the southern side of Abercrombie Street outside Glengarry Hotel could be considered in a second stage of works. This is discussed further below.

  • That a seat be dedicated to Trevor Davies.

Future dedications will be referred to Council’s Plaques group for consideration.

  • That the reuse of sandstone kerbs in the footpath widening be considered.

Existing sandstone kerbs are being re-used.

A detailed cost plan has not been prepared for the additional work requested. However, a benchmark review indicates additional funds would be required. Should an expanded scope for the precinct be considered, it is recommended that it be implemented as a future stage to the project, rather than incorporated into the current project, for the reasons outlined below:

  • If incorporated into the current project, the design program would increase by approximately eight months to allow for procurement, design and consultation. The construction phase would increase from 5 months to approximately 9 months, with a higher level of disruption to the local community during the extended construction stage
  • A future stage of the project could be funded and implemented separately to incorporate the additional works. This will allow the identified areas of highest priority to be implemented to the earliest timetable. The additional works could be considered for inclusion in future Corporate Plans, design and consultation undertaken and a scoping report prepared for Council.

Attachment A – Correspondence dated 12 February 2012

Michael Leyland, Director City Projects and Property

Prepared by: Lisa Dodd, Landscape Architect

TRIM Document Number: 2012/044643

Approved Monica Barone, Chief Executive Officer

Source: Memo Relevant to Item 7.7 | PDF 80 Kb    

At Council

Following feedback Councillor Doutney, at the Council Meeting, made an addition to the resolution which recorded the second stage in the minutes and asked for “a scoping report be prepared for Council. This includes works to the north side of Abercrombie Street, paving from Abercrombie Street to Ivy Lane, undergrounding of the northern side overhead wires and the undergrounding of wires in front of the Glengarry Hotel;” (see full wording of resolution at the top of this page)

Follow Up Issues

The works in the first scoping report will now be prepared for tender.

Residents may need to keep enquiring about the stage 2 scoping until something is prepared for community consultation just in case it does a long way back in Council’s priorities.

The council “Relevant to” did not really clarify what was planned regarding the electricity supply from the corner of Ivy Street and Abercrombie. This electricity supply is not just to buildings across the other side of Abercrombie Street.

Also the “Relevant to” by explaining why changes could not be made at the Ivy Street South footpath references the need to manage storm water on the road which indicates that the new treatment does not address the flooding problem at this intersection which impacts on the high pedestrian traffic. This is a major cause for concern.

Prepared by Geoff Turnbull REDWatch Spokesperson – Updated 23 February 2012