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Botany Road Corridor rezoning exhibition until 13 December

The City of Sydney have placed on exhibition their proposed planning controls for the Botany Road Corridor until 13 December 2021.

Potential Massing in Botany Road Corridor under Planning Proposal


Council is proposing planning controls for the Botany Road precinct to encourage new commercial buildings and affordable housing. The proposed controls also recognise the significance of the place for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. REDWatch held a session on these proposals when they initially went through Council. The Council proposal has now been assessed by the Department of Planning Infrastructure and Environment (DPIE) Gateway team and after a few small changes DPIE have approved the controls for exhibition.

In 2020 Council consulted the community on the future of the Botany Road precinct. The community told Council it supports growing areas dedicated to employment.

Council heard that people value green spaces, improved access across the precinct, and greater recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and cultural heritage.

Revitalising Botany Road precinct is an opportunity to meet future employment demand in the Redfern–Waterloo area. This project will transform the area into a vibrant commercial precinct with upgraded and green public spaces. 

You can view the proposed planning controls and have your say by Monday 13 December

Sourced: Based on Council Your Say Your say on proposed planning controls for the Botany Road precinct