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RED Second Presentation & Feedback - Text

Following the early June 2003 display presentation and the discussions with people who had visited the display the consultants collated and commented on the responses to the various areas presented. Below is the text of that presentation. The Overheads have a number of diagrams and should also be viewed however the text of the overheads is below and is easily searchable.

1 Welcome and Purpose

The RWPP acknowledge the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation as the traditional owners of the country where the RED Strategy initiative is to take place. The RWPP also acknowledge and recognise the special historical significance that Redfern and its surrounds holds for Aboriginal people and the significance of Redfern to the socio political struggle for Aboriginal people both locally and nationally.


Welcome to today's Community Information and Feedback Session. This is the second event in an ongoing process that will lead to a planning framework that will guide the future of the RED (Redfern, Eveleigh, Darlington and Waterloo) area. Following the previous session, we had valuable input from the community that will help us to shape the principles that will govern the RED strategy.

In addition to the feedback given by 280 members of the community directly during the previous consultation sessions, over 60 written responses to the ideas presented have been received. This feedback has allowed the team to identify:

  • Ideas that have broad community support
  • Gaps within the framework
  • Areas where more detailed analysis and consultation will be required.

Today's session is for us to test with members of the RED community some of the principles that will underlie the framework and to assess whether they are consistent with community needs and expectations. We are very interested in what you have to say.

As yet no final planning framework has been developed by the planning consultants Cox Richardson for the RED area. The material presented today is to inform you of the work conducted so far and to serve as springboard for discussion*. Please inspect the presentation and feel free to discuss your views and aspirations for your area with the consultant team.

* Your comments will be incorporated into a Draft Red Strategy that we will bring back to you in early August.


The consultant team is:

Project Manager:

  • Redfern Waterloo Partnership/ Planning NSW

Michael Ramsay

Denny Hall

Anne Connelly

Bettina King

Marrianne Chrismann

Melissa AICrostino

Planning Consultants:

  • Cox Richardson

Bob Meyer

Mark Stringa

Oleksandra Babych

  • Sphere Consulting
  • Transport and Traffic Planning Associates

Community Engagement:

  • Elton Consulting

Brian Elton

Brendan Blakeley

Nina Millikan


2 What is a Planning Framework




3 Crime and Personal Safety


What we heard

  • The highest priority identified by the community is to address issues related to crime and personal safety within the RED area. Bag snatching, illicit drug use, vandalism and intimidating behavior were the most frequently reported problems. There is an understanding within the community that solutions to crime can not only be achieved by more policing and that such issues need to be addressed at a number of Ievels. This was particularly the case with crime and young people.
  • Many community members stated that they cooperate with police but rarely receive any feedback on cases or particular issues they have raised and would like to see communication improved.

Your Comments

  • We would like suggestions from the police about what we can do regarding crime.
  • When the community has made a report to the police we would like feedback
  • Many of the social issues are related to drug use the Government should provide more assistance to help people overcome drug abuse.
  • Local youth need jobs and training this is the key to reducing crime.
  • Make the streets well lit and active at night.
  • Concentrate on crime hot spots.
  • Encouraging interaction between different groups will increase mutual respect.
  • Police visibility doesn't necessarily equal increased effectiveness.


  • The RWPP is implementing a number of strategies to address crime and safety within the area. The partnership is focusing on the causes of crime and has developed several human services initiatives that strengthen families, children and youth.
  • The RWPP has also developed two strategies that are aimed directly at reducing crime
    • anti-drug strategy
    • community safety plan.



4 Services and Delivering the RED Strategy



  • Many people emphasized the importance of services particularly services to support disadvantaged people within the RED area. It was also frequently commented that if the local population was to increase it is even more critical that infrastructure such as local schools are retained.

Your Comments

  • You will need to ensure that services to support and meet the needs of the existing and potential residents are placed in the Town Centre.
  • It is fairly important to maintain a social mix but provision of adequate and sustainable services to support local needs is essential to ensure integration across social layers.
  • How are the issues such as social sustainability going to be integrated with physical planning for the area?



The RWPP is developing the number of initiatives to address the need of the area.

  • Intensive family support services.
  • In home support for aboriginal families.
  • Culturally linguistically diverse family consulting. •            Kids speak.
  • Redfern/Waterloo Street Team
  • Enhancement of Non Government Youth Service Network.
  • Redfern/Waterloo Holiday Program.
  • Intensive case management of high risk children and youth.
  • Alexander Park community School Sport Development Program.

The RWPP is advocating that future use of government sites has to take into consideration current and future social needs. The RED Strategy, SSCC Infrastructure Plan and RWPP Services Analysis will inform those needs.


Delivering the RED Strategy

  • Much of the feedback questioned how the strategies identified In the Framework would be delivered and how integration between a range of government agencies can be achieved.

Your Comments

  • Infastructure such as the Town Centre should be put in place before any increase in residential or working population occurs
  • There will need to be good supervision of development applications to ensure they are consistent with the Framework.
  • Decision making by government departments will need to be integrated to ensure that when an option is agreed to it will be implemented.
  • The funding program needs to include community development?
  • Is this project committed to action?


  • The coordinated implementation of the RED Strategy will be managed through the partnership agreements between NSW government, SSCC, AHC and Sydney University.
  • Then final RED Strategy and Action Plan will clearly articulate the responsibilities, accountabilities and timing for government to deliver the component of the strategy.


Ongoing Consultation

  • Much of the feedback from the sessions indicated that ongoing consultation is desirable in order to ensure the framework evolves in a manner that is responsive to the needs of the RED community.

Your Comments

  • The proposed changes should benefit the existing residents.
  • How can the community stay involved to ensure our needs are met?
  • We don't want the framework to be something that is imposed upon the RED community.


  • The RED Strategy is being developed in close consultation with the community. The community is involved in every stage of the project.
  • The RWPP is establishing a web site to keep the community informed and will provide regular updates to the community through the established community communications networks.


5 Residential Population and Housing


Population Distribution Total Population =19,926



  • This presents a complex challenge that will require innovative solutions. The Residential Population and Housing component of the RED Strategy will need to be further developed in consultation with public housing tenants, peak bodies, advocacy groups and relevant government agencies.
  • Ensuring provision of adequate community services and infrastructure is reflected in a number of the RED strategy principles. RED will advocate that use of existing community infrastructure has to take into consideration current and future social needs.


  • No reduction in Public Housing
  • Ensure the supply of community infrastructure to support social, cultural and economic capability of community.
  • Increase development potential of ATP, North Eveleigh and Redfern Rail Station by exploiting potential synergies.
  • Create additional development opportunities on rail lands to the North of Redfern Station and West Eveleigh.
  • Maximise social mix in residential precincts.
  • Maximise retention of surplus government sites in light of current and projected demand for community infrastructure.


 5a Residential Population and Housing


What we heard

  • The majority of respondents stated it is very important to maintain the social diversity of the RED area. Many people felt very strongly that housing opportunities must continue to be provided for the less advantaged residents of the RED area.
  • Even when community members suggested that it was no longer sustainable to increase the proportion of public housing beyond current levels, they also stated they also did not want lower income groups to be forced from the RED area by gentrification. It was frequently commented that the high cost of rental was also driving students away from living in the RED area.
  • A common theme in many of the responses was that the previous practice of placing a high density of public housing in particular areas Is not an effective policy and that a more workable solution is to integrate public, affordable and private housing options and ensure they are distributed throughout the RED area.
  • Many people appreciated that some form of affordable housing would allow for a more sustainable and equitable social mix compared to allowing the market to prevail. More detail was requested on what form an affordable housing strategy would take and how it would be implemented.
  • It was generally accepted that achieving a sustainable social mix would entail an increase in the residential population of the RED area however this was moderated by concerns regarding:
    • Inappropriate or excessive development;
    • Traffic impacts from additional residents,
    • The adequacy of social support services and infrastructure.

Your Comments

  • Increasing residential density must be done carefully to avoid unlivable high rises.
  • No Increase in public housing.
  • It would be a pity to convert the area into a yuppie estate!
  • The inclusion of a commitment to maintaining diversity is of utmost importance. It could show Sydney can consolidate rather than continuing to sprawl.
  • Make sure the infrastructure is in place before the population is increased.
  • It is very important to maintain the area's diverse social mix but it is also necessary to break down the concentration of public tenants in any one area.
  • Maintaining an area within the inner city in which people in low socio-economic circumstances can live is essential.
  • Future development will need to create an integrated community by ensuring there are no "rich only" and "poor only" enclaves.
  • The area around the railway yards is appropriate for higher density residential.
  • 10% affordable housing should be the minimum target for an area that has strong history of providing housing to less well off people.
  • As a resident of the area in the long term I would like to see the high rise towers in Waterloo replaced with public housing similar to that in Walker Street it provides better and usable public space and cross site links at a comparable density.
  • I would prefer to see predominantly medium densiity development so the area doesn't lose its character.
  • High-rise should be strictly limited.
  • There should be a housing component in the redevelopment of the Eveleigh railway yards so it is not a dead area in the evening.


6 Public Domain



  • Improve safety and security of the public spaces.
  • Establishing the Southern Concourse as the major pedestrian access to the university.
  • Investigate placing Prince Alfred Park under the control of the SSCC to serve the North Redfern, Darlington areas.
  • Create a market place somewhere within the Town Centre.
  • Encouraging small neighborhood retail precincts throughout the RED area with attractive landscaping and footpath treatments.
  • Conserve and celebrate Redfern heritage.


  • Provide a Safe and Activated Public Domain.
  • Provide intensive lighting to preferred pedestrian and cycle ways leading to the town centre, schools, universities and other community facilities.
  • Built form along these streets will maximise casual surveillance.
  • Traffic calming mechanisms will be implemented to improve surveillance of local streets.
  • Opportunities for pavement enterprise will be supported.
  • Develop community safety strategy for the public domain pending revitalisation of the area through development growth.
  • Introduce temporary use strategies for vacant shop fronts eg: shops as gallery space.
  • The railway station precinct to become an integral component of the public domain.
  • Implement initiatives in the public domain that build community cohesion eg: Greening the Streets.
  • Create attractive and safe open spaces and meeting places at the neighborhood level to promote social Interaction.
  • Reduce impact of physical barriers that create social barriers eg: arterial roads, rail line, Lawson Street bridge wall.
  • Provide places for community celebrations.
  • Implement thematic unity through treatment of the public domain
  • Develop shared sense of place through celebration and conservation of the areas cultural diversity.
  • Design of the Public domain to ensure opportunities are provided for people with diverse physical, cultural and economic needs are able to use public places.


6a Public Domain


What we heard

  • Safety was a major issue in regard to the public domain. Members of the community felt their use and enjoyment of public areas was frequently compromised by crime and intimidating behaviour. Solutions offered included:
    • Ensuring streets and parks were well lit;
    • Maintaining good sightlines and high levels of visibility;
    • Maintaining business activity beyond working hours;
    • Orienting new buildings towards the streets;
    • Closing of "dunny" lanes and laneways near crime hotspots;
    • Ensuring that "dead end" areas are integrated with other spaces;
    • Police on the beat;
    • Providing activities and support for young people.
  • With a potential Increase in both the residential and working population it will become critical to ensure that all available open space is maximised. Where possible the community requested that all spaces should be green space, with significant plantings of street trees and shrubs. The idea of creating a pedestrian network linking parks and open spaces was strongly supported.
  • Much of the feedback described Redfern Park as the most significant green space in the RED area and requested that the oval be merged with it to create a major publicly accessible community park. It was also felt that It would be more appropriate to place Prince Alfred Park under the control of South Sydney City Council
  • Other suggestions to improve the appearance and amenity of the area were:
    • Removing graffiti immediately;
    • Placing power lines underground;
    • Encouraging businesses to install see through roller doors;
    • Ensuring that parks are maintained;
    • Developing a colour scheme for commercial buildings in the Town Centre;
    • Controlling through traffic;
    • Attractive paving rather than asphalt.
  • A number of respondents were concerned that some prominent heritage buildings in the area were In a bad state of repair and should be restored as an essential part of the street character of Redfern. It was commented that the framework should explicitly acknowledge the heritage values of the RED area.
  • Improving the appearance of the streets was seen as critical to changing the negative perception of the RED area and creating places that reflect and contribute to a sense of community identity and pride.

Your Comments

  • You should take the approach used by ATP, it is an area where we felt safe walking around even at night.
  • A consistent street planting policy is needed throughout all of RED. Incentives should be provided to put planter boxes on the street.
  • Some streets are so wide you could consider center plantings- this would also act as a traffic-calming device.
  • Good illumination and sightlines are critical to creating safe environments.
  • Insisting that roller shutters are see-through would improve the streetscape
  • Placing power lines underground would improve the look of the area.
  • Prompt removal of graffiti would improve the look of the RED area
  • In particular problem areas it may be worth looking at closing "dunny lanes" and investigating means of making laneways less conducive to criminal activity.
  • Key buildings such as the Catholic Church are falling into disrepair.
  • New development will need to be sensitive to heritage buildings
  • Redfern Park and Redfern Oval must be accessible to the public as it is the most significant open space in the area
  • Rezone Prince Alfred Park as part of South Sydney City Council.
  • All opportunities for adding to open space should be seized-Green corridors and pocket parks should be required in all new evelopments above a certain size.
  • The current pedestrian link from the station to the university along Lawson Street is inadequate. The new link should connect ATP to the station and on to the university.
  • The southern Concourse needs to be made the primary point of pedestrian access to the university.


7 Transport



  • Extend CAT route eastwards.
  • Review feasibility of light rail.
  • Acknowledge the role of pedestrian and bicycle activity in a sustainable and comprehensive transport strategy.
  • Maximise connectivity to Redfern Station


  • Connect main railway entrance to town centre.
  • Provide improved access between the station and ATR
  • Redevelop the station including a southern concourse providing a strong linkage to North Eveleigh, improved access to Sydney University and the Lawson Street precinct.
  • Intensify retail and other uses on the station concourse.
  • Provide for a bus/rail interchange.
  • Provide for efficient and affordable public transport access to local community, recreation, health, education, retail and cultural facilities.
  • Improve access to Redfern Station thereby facilitating access to regional jobs and facilities.


7a Transport


What we heard 

  • The CAT system was well supported as it presented a flexible approach to local transport. It was suggested that the service be ticketed on a time basis rather than per trip if it was to be of use as a local service.                                
  • The light rail proposal received little comment. Some people believed that it would not be suitable to narrow streets such as Lawson Street. It was also suggested that the Light Rail and CAT routes be altered to provide better linkages between the eastern sections of the RED area and the station.
  • It was also suggested that the reliability and frequency of existing bus services should be improved. STA bus services should not be compromised by the priority the strategy gives to the railway station as the transport hub of the RED area.
  • The upgrade of the Redfern station was perceived to be long overdue given its importance to the local community and the university. There was a general consensus that the station was the logical transport hub of the area and that kiss and ride facilities and a bus interchange near would be needed. There were a variety of opinions regarding the redevelopment of the station. Key concerns included:
    • The development of the airspace;
    • Heritage values of the station building;
    • Ensuring access for people with a disability;
    • The possible reduction of open space along Gibbons St to create an interchange;
    • Providing appropriate and adequate pedestrian linkages from the station to the surrounding area.
  • The needs for a cycling component within the overall transport strategy was highlighted.

Your Comments

  • The poor amenity of Redfern Station and the high level of antisocial behaviour in its immediate vicinity are real disincentives to using the train.
  • The transport plan is too focused on the railway station.
  • There is a lack of public transport to major hospitals and schools.
  • Improving the safety amenity and reliability of all transport options in the area should be the highest priority.
  • Reducing car parking levels in new developments is one way to discourage car ownership/ use in an area that is well served by public transport.
  • Is there commitment from the SRA to give us a proper station?
  • The lack of a bicycle strategy is a serious omission. Brisbane is committed to 5% of all journeys by bicycle by 2007. RED should do the same.
  • Light rail is not appropriate as the streets are too narrow.
  • The CAT is a very good transport solution.


8 Traffic



  • Further development of a comprehensive traffic strategy including a number of options will be undertaken in subsequent phases of the RED strategy.
  • Creation of local traffic zones along residential streets with lower speed limits and traffic calming devices
  • A bicycle and pedestrian traffic plan to be incorporated into the overall strategy.


  • Redfern Town Centre Precinct to have reduced impact from Regional Traffic.
  • Traffic impact from Eastern Distributor to be reduced.
  • Creation and maintenance of bicycle and pedestrian routes prioretised.


8a Traffic


What we heard

  • Overall, the community agreed that the high level of through traffic was severely impacting upon the amenity of the complete RED area. There were some concerns that reopening sections of the street grid may encourage "rat running" through residential streets.
  • Much of the feedback provided the project team with very detailed information on traffic problems in specific locations. Common issues were the need to:
    • Address the high level of east west traffic particularly along Cleveland Street;
    • Reduce the impacts of southern arterial traffic;
    • Traffic along Botany Road and Pitt, George, Elizabeth and Baptist Streets.
  • Almost all respondents wished to seethe area become a local traffic zone with a lower speed limit imposed on all residential streets. There were a number of suggestions regarding about the form and desirability of a variety of traffic calming measures,
  • Business people in particular stressed the importance of ensuring some passing traffic and providing short-term parking. A number of respondents stated that providing too much parking only served to increase traffic in the area and encourage car use.
  • Reducing the impact of regional traffic was seen as important in creating a pedestrian friendly and attractiveTown Centre and essential to increasing the accessibility and amenity of the railway station.

Your Comments

  • The current situation is diabolical.
  • The traffic along Regent and Gibbons street splits the residents access to amenities and shopping areas.
  • The through traffic makes the area very unsafe for pedestrians particularly children.
  • The current state of traffic along Regent St makes it very uninviting.
  • Reducing local street speed limits to 40KM per hour would improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Removing through traffic is the answer to encouraging walking and bike use.
  • A pedestrian overpass is not user friendly for the aged, disabled and people with young children.
  • A tunnel and diverting through traffic elsewhere are options that are worth considering but you would need to have a full understanding of the impacts that they would have on adjacent areas.


 9 Town Centre



  • The potential for undergrounding Regent and Gibbons Street would create sign significant environmental improvements in this area
  • The development of an integrated Town centre through the coordination of the public domain landscape elements will allow a legible, safe and secure pedestrian and public environment throughout the area.
  • Maintaining through traffic will assist in inactivation of the town centre.
  • Provide a range of retail opportunities servicing the needs of this centre whilst maintaining the existing character of Redfern,
  • The creation of RED square as a major public space in the RED area. This space could be used for a range of social and cultural activities
  • The use of Redfern St intermittently for local markets, street fairs and the like.
  • Identify areas beyond the town Centre which can accommodate local shops and cafes


  • Develop a Sustainable Town Centre to Serve the RED Area
  • Position Redfern Town Centre as the heart of the area.
  • Position Redfern as the economic and cultural centre of the area.
  • Reduce impact of regional traffic on Redfern and Waterloo.
  • Revitalise the retail strips of Redfern and Regent Streets.
    • Encourage the full range of retail outlets in Redfern and Regents Streets, particularly street front businesses and supermarkets.
    • Undertake streetscape improvements.
    • Provide parking opportunities to support easy access to retail precincts.
  • Significantly increase the number of people living and working in the RED area.
  • Identify redevelopment opportunities.
  • Provide development links to North Eveleigh.
  • Introduce temporary use strategies for vacant shop fronts eg: shops as gallery space.
  • The railway station precinct to become an integral component of the public domain.
  • Reduce impact of physical barriers that create social barriers eg:arterial roads, rail line, Lawson Street bridge wall.
  • Provide places for community celebrations.


9a Town Centre


What we heard

  • There was strong support for the concept of reducing impact of through traffic along Regent and Gibbons streets. Ensuring a pedestrian friendly and calm environment was seen as essential to making the Town Center an attractive and usable community space.          
  • The idea of a series of public spaces linking Redfern and Regent Street to the station and through RED square to Lawson and Eveleigh Streets was well received. It was noted that the strip nature of the shopping precinct was an integral part of the street character of Redfern and that even with increases in the working and residential population the town center should remain a local shopping center not a regional one.
  • It was frequently commented that the artist impressions had          successfully captured how the Town Center should be and presented an exciting vision for the area.
  • A common criticism of the Town Center proposal was that it focused too much on one precinct and did not acknowledge the potential benefits of distributing small-scale retail and cafes at a neighborhood level throughout the RED area. It was commented that strategies to enhance the significant retail precincts on Abercrombie Street, Botany Road and Elizabeth Street Waterloo in addition to the Town Centre proposal would also need to be devised. It was also felt that apart from plaza off Lawson Street more should be done to ensure the Town Center address the Eveleigh / Darlington sectors of the RED area.
  • There were a number of comments suggesting that spaces within the Town Centre should beset aside to allow for markets and for local artists to perform.

Your Comments

  • You need to focus on encouraging commercial activity in other streets beyond Redfern St.
  • Small neighborhood retail and cafe precincts need to be encouraged to complement retail in the town centre.
  • Botany Road has significant retail potential as well.
  • The retail above and around the station should not be an enclosed “Westfield” style mall.
  • Shop top housing should be provided in the Town Centre.
  • Development of the Town Centre needs to be sensitive to heritage aspects of the area.
  • You need to maintain some capacity for through traffic in the Town Centre and provide for short-term parking.
  • Is it possible to provide spaces for markets and entertainment?
  • Paved surfaces and not asphalt for the Town Centre.
  • The Town Centre should be exactly as it is in the drawings.


10 Employment



  • Employment is a key element in the delivery of the strategic framework.
  • Employment opportunities must be considered in terms of the contribution which it makes to the life of the residents of the RED area.
  • The location of the Redfern station as a significant destination station suggests that major employment opportunities should exist around the station.
  • Opportunities for the increase of employment land within the RED area is significant for the provision of jobs for the local community as well as for the broader metropolitan population.
  • Careful consideration will ensure that development envelopes for employment related development is not detrimental to amenity of this area.


  • Maximise employment opportunities around Redfern Railway Station.
  • Develop initiatives that grow cultural enterprises.
  • Develop specific locality branding.
  • Improve access to Redfern Station thereby facilitating access to regional jobs and facilities.
  • Facilitate access to economic opportunities for people not in the workforce.
    • Prioritise opportunities for creating local employment and enterprise development.
    • Broker employment partnerships between community and major employers eg: Sydney University.
  • Opportunities for pavement enterprise will be supported.


10a Employment


What we heard

  • Many responses acknowledged the need for increased employment opportunities within the RED area. This was for a number of reasons including providing local people with opportunities, extra people would make local businesses more viable and that increased activation of the area would lead to a more vibrant and safer Town Center.
  • Some respondents expressed reservations about RED becoming an extension of the CBD fearing that this would impact upon the character of the area and the amenity of existing residents.
  • Providing for a diversity of business types was perceived as highly important as medium and small family enterprises are crucial to creating a sense of community. It was noted that it would be necessary for the framework to carefully balance commercial development with community needs.
  • Many in the community emphasized the importance of providing job opportunities for local people. They also raised the issue of ensuring effective training and support programs to assist people take advantage of employment opportunities.
  • There were a number of suggestions that cultural related employment such as artist spaces and aboriginal enterprises be encouraged to reflect the RED areas rich and diverse identity. This would also build upon the growing presence of art galleries in the area.

Your Comments

  • We understand that much of the proposed plan will be funded by higher density commercial and residential development our plea is that this is done with restraint.
  • Employment is essential to provide local kids with good opportunities
  • Provide useful skills based training and employment not just job creation schemes
  • Childcare facilities and other services will need to be provided for workers and residents
  • The extension of the CBD idea doesn't appeal as the area could become dominated by offices, which would contribute little to the life of the area.
  • There needs to be a balance between commercial activity, residential uses and open space.
  • Suggested types of employment and business activity were:
    • Technology and research related endeavours would capitalize on the areas proximity to Sydney University and ATP;
    • A good quality supermarket;
    • Specialty retail;
    • Cafes restaurants that remains open at night;
    • Entertainment - cinema's and a theatre;
    • Service industry for the increased number of residents;
    • Media and production companies;
    • Proximity to the airport is an advantage for employment in the RED area;
    • The area is well placed for professional service companies;
    • Galleries, artist's work spaces and cultural employment that reflect the diversity and talent of people within the RED area.


11 North Redfern and Red Square



  • Aboriginal people have lived in this area before colonisation took place. The area was inhabited by the Gadigal people, whose land extended from South Head to port Jackson.
  • The total indigenous population in the RED area represents 4% of the total population.
  • The Block, which holds a significant cultural and historic place with the aboriginal community, is currently underutilised and has a low level of amenity


  • It is the strong view of the Aboriginal Housing Company (AHC) that the block and its surroundings can be comprehensively re-developed with high quality housing.
  • The redevelopment of the block and the design of the public domain facilitates the physical connection of the block into the RED area and serves as a catalyst for economic revitalisation through commercial opportunities serving the needs of the aboriginal community.
  • Streetscape improvements and landscaping programs will improve the appearance of the area. The council redevelopment of the Wilson Bros site as a multipurpose building, will further enhance the connection this area within the broader RED area


11a Northern Redfern and RED Square


What we heard

  • Many of the comments focused on the redevelopment of The Block which was seen as critical to the future of this part of the RED area. Most people were supportive of change on this site and felt this development had the potential to benefit the whole community. There were some reservations regarding:
    • Potential overshadowing;
    • The need for an articulated housing strategy;
  • The redevelopment of the area will need in ongoing program of community development and support.
  • It was also very important for the Town Centre to address and connect with this area. The proposal to extend Lawson Street Bridge and create a plaza space was well received. It was felt that a number of the problems within The Block were the result of physical and social separation from the wider community.
  • It was feared that retail activity in Abercrombie Street would be overlooked with the new focus on the Town Centre and that this was not desirable.
  • Many residents expressed concern that Lawson Street is not capable of safely supporting the amount of pedestrian traffic generated by the University and an alternative pedestrian link should be created. They also noted pedestrian vehicle conflict was still a problem in Abercrombie Street.
  • A number of residents in Caroline Street requested that strategies to increase the safety and amenity of lanes be implemented. They noted that closing the lane near Yellomundie Park had dramatically improved the usability and safety of this open space. Whilst the idea of street plantings were supported it there were some concerns that the streets may be too narrow and that car parking would be further diminished.
  • Much of the feedback from residents in this precinct suggested that planning for this particular area needs to involve all stakeholders within the precinct and reflected of a diverse range of community needs.

Your Comments

  • It would be great to see this area brought to life in an interesting and responsible way.
  • RED square is a great idea.
  • Make it a place where aboriginal people and non-aboriginal people can live in harmony.
  • There needs to be aboriginal involvement in all decisions for this area.
  • There needs to be more consultation with elders from the Block The development of the block and its ongoing management needs to be sensitive to the needs of both aboriginal and other local residents.
  • We need to encourage ownership and responsibility for this area.
  • Some aboriginal focus that can bring pride to the community eg Block redevelopment and an Aboriginal arts centre or museum.
  • Employment initiatives that enhance cultural freedom and aboriginal self-determination.


12 The Next Steps


  • We thank you very much for taking the time to attend this Community Information and Feedback Session.
  • Your valuable comments will be independently collated by Elton Consulting and used by the consultant team to further refine draft framework principles that you have seen today.
  • This consultation has been for the initial stage of preparing the draft Framework. The Redfern Waterloo Partnership Project is committed to ongoing consultation with the community throughout the complete process of devising the RED Strategy Planning Framework.
  • The Redfern Waterloo Partnership Project will continue to keep you informed about the progress of this Red Strategy and future avenues for participation. The Partnership is committed to ongoing community involvement in its activities.
  • The next RWPP newsletter will be circulated in July and will cover the RED Strategy. The RWPP is currently working on a web page to support community access to information.
  • Please complete the attendance register and if you wish to comment, fill out a feedback form and place it in the box. It would be appreciated if you could provide your feedback to us today. If this is not possible could you please return it to Elton Consulting by the 9 July 2003.
  • The Draft Strategy will be brought back to the community in the early August.