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The RED Strategy

Consultation for the RED Strategy was started in June 2003 by Cox Richardson for the RWPP. When the consultation ended in December 2003 the community was told it would be considered by the NSW Government and then come back for further community consultation before going to the local council for consideration. Instead in late 2004 the NSW Government announced the establishment of the RWA. Neither the Draft RED Stategy nor the reports from the various consultants have been released by the Government despite numerous requests that this information be released to inform community discussion about the RWA and the proposed Redfern Waterloo Plan.
The RED Strategy Timeline
This is the RED Strategy timeline that the community was told it would have for consultation before the RED Strategy was implimented. This copy is from the NSW Governments submission to the Legislative Council Inquiry into Redfern Waterloo and shows the City of Sydney Council as the Local Council through which it would be handled. File size is 80kb.
RED Strategy Community Consultation Program
At the December 2003 Community Forum a proposed Consultation Program, which set out how the future consultation on the RED Strategy would be undertaken, was presented to the community by the RWPP. In stead of following this process the government decided to set up the RWA and not bring the Strategy back for community consultation or to put it through local council.
Major RED Issues Identified
These Major Issues were presented to the December 3 2003 Community Forum after consideration by the RWPP Community Council which added the wording "no reduction in public housing".
RED "Core Principles" - Text
These "Core Principles" for guiding the RED Strategy came at the end of the RED consultation from the consultants. This is the text from the overhead slides.
RED "Core Principles" - Overheads
These "Core Principles" for guiding the RED Strategy came at the end of the RED consultation from the consultants. These are copies of the overheads used in the presentation.
RED Second Presentation & Feedback - Text
Following the early June 2003 display presentation and the discussions with people who had visited the display the consultants collated and commented on the responses to the various areas presented. Below is the text of that presentation. The Overheads have a number of diagrams and should also be viewed however the text of the overheads is below and is easily searchable.
RED Second Presentation & Feedback - Overheads
These are the overheads with illustrations used for the second presentation./ 1. Welcome and Purpose / 2. What is a Planning Framework / 3. Crime and Personal Safety / 4. Services and Delivery the RED Strategy / 5. Residential Population and Housing / 5a. Residential Population and Housing / 6. Public Domain / 6a. Public Domain (Feedback Summary) / 7. Transport / 7a. Transport (Feedback Summary) / 8. Traffic / 8a. Traffic (Feedback Summary) / 9. Town Centre / 9a. Town Centre (Feedback Summary) / 10. Employment / 10a. Employment (Feedback Summary) / 11. Northern Redfern and Red Square / 11a. Northern Redfern and Red Square (Feedback Summary) / 12. The Next Steps / This file is a searchable pdf file but as it was produced with OCR not all text may search.
This is the text of the first undated RED STRATEGY STRATEGIC PLANNING FRAMEWORK. It provides an overview from the consultants of what the RED consultations were about.
RED First Presentation & Feedback - Text
This is the text of the overheads from the first public RED presentation. It should be looked at alongside the overheads which contain graphics relating to the consultants proposals. The text from these overheads is provided speratly as it can be searched.
This is the text of the second undated RED STRATEGY STRATEGIC PLANNING FRAMEWORK leaflet. This one deals with the proposed planning principles.
RED First Presentation & Feedback - Overheads
These are the overheads from the first RED presentration. / 1. Welcome and Purpose / 2. The Study Area and Context / 3. The Study Area / 4. Population Distribution / 5. Transport / 6. Traffic / 7. Public Domain / 8. Town Centre / 9. Employment / 10. Government Landholdings / 11. North Redfern and Red Square / 12. The Next Steps / 13. Artist Drawing Lawson Street and Red Square / 14. Artist Drawing Regent Street / 15. Artist Drawing Redfern Street / 16. Artist Drawing Redfern Street (Towards Railway Station) / These overheads are not text searchable
RWPP Description of RED Strategy
This text is a copy of what appeared on the RWPP website to describe the RED Strategy to the community
RED Strategy October 2003 Newsletter Insert
In October 2003 the RWPP did an insert on RED in their Newsletter which was distributed throughout the area. This is the text of that insert.
RWPP FAQ's on the RED Strategy
This is the text of the RWPP website Frequently Asked Questions on the RED Strategy
RED Strategy Update from Surry Scene
The following appeared at dated Saturday, September 20, 2003 by Redfern/Waterloo Partnership project. It provides some informatioon on the how RED was seen as interacting with the formal planning scheme.
Redwater FUTURES Public Meeting
As a result of community concern about how the RED consultation was being conducted a meeting was called for Tueday 29th July. Following are the minutes of that meeting which provide some indication of the community concern. This concern was also reflected in some of the 2004 submissions to the Legislative Council Social Issues Inquiry into Redfern-Waterloo regarding the poor consultation processes used by the RWPP.
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