Chapter 4 Government and non government services

A complex system 85 / Child protection 86 / Practices in relation to children and families 86 / Interagency collaboration 87 / Prevention and early intervention 88 / Staffing 88 / Aboriginal children and families 89 / DoCS' comments 89 / The Committee's view 92 / Youth services 93 / Youth service facilities 94 / The Street Team 95 / 24 hour crisis service and after hours services 96 / Findings of the Human Services Review 97 / The Committee's view 98 / Services for Aboriginal people 99 / Supporting Aboriginal services: respect in practice 99 / The Human Services Review's findings 100 / Funding `imposed services' 101 / The Committee's view 101 / Drug and alcohol services and mental health services 102 / Drug and alcohol services 102 / The new community health facility 103 / Detoxification and rehabilitation services 105 / Mental health services 107 / The Committee's view 108 / Education 109 / Truancy 110 / Suspensions 110 / The closure of Redfern Public School and Cleveland Street High School 112 / The Committee's view 113 / Housing 114 / Tenant concerns 115 / Department of Housing response 116 / The Committee's view 118 / Employment 119 / Ageing and disability services 121 / Culturally and linguistically diverse communities 122 / Community development programs 124 / Conclusion 125

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