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News articles concerning Redfern Waterloo from various sources. Click on the headlines below for more details.
The changing face of Redfern and Waterloo
With the call for tenders to redevelop Rachel Foster Hospital, residents are seeing the loss of yet another public facility, this time to the private housing market reports Redwater News of December 2007.
Waterloo’s Summer on the Green – Friday 7th December 2007
Local residents and community workers are proposing to hold an all day celebration entitled ‘Waterloo’s summer on the Green’ reports Redwater News of December 2007.
National Indigenous Development Centre
The National Indigenous Development Centre has received approval from the Minister of Planning reports Redwater News of December 2007.
FOI controversy over street team
A street team that provide youth services in the Redfern and Waterloo areas between 2003 and 2005 failed partly because the model imposed on it by senior NSW government public servants was "flawed", confused and needed more community consultation and involvement reports Precinct southside Issue 4/2007 in November 2007.
Secret makeover plans for Redfern leave locals far from happy
The Redfern Waterloo -Authority (RWA) and Rail Corp's joint design plan for the development of Redfern station was completed in early September. The RWA had earlier informed residents that it would consult with them about the plan, which is expected to include commercial development around the station reports Angela Dewan in Precinct southside Issue 4/2007 in November 2007.
Our heritage at risk
There are surely few images more redolent of fading Imperial glory than the sight of idly decaying industrial machinery reports Shant Fabricatorian in Precinct Sydney Edition Issue 4/2007 in November 2007.
A celebration of diverse Lebanese history in Redfern
"Back in the early 1900s, it was the rhythmic pounding of butchers tenderising lamb in their jiruns that could be heard while walking down Cooper Street in Redfern," says Paul Convy from the Australian Lebanese Historic Society (ALHS), speaking on the inaugural Redfern Lebanese Legacy walk organised for History Week 2007 reports Julie Shingleton in Precinct Sydney Edition Issue 4/2007 in November 2007.
Not all hard work at this factory
Candles, cake and memories, mostly good and some bad, were on the menu when Waterloo-based organisation The Factory celebrated 30 years of community service reports Katrina Yu in Precinct South Sydney Edition Issue 4/2007 in November 2007.
Needle bus must go - Mundine
Aboriginal community leader Mick Mundine has renewed calls for The Block's controversial needle exchange bus to be scrapped, as plans are put in place for new drug services in Redfern reports Britta Jorgensen in Precinct South Sydney Edition Issue 4/2007 in November 2007.
Crunch time for The Block
Years after the Pemulwuy Project was first planned, the Aboriginal Housing Company (AHC) will submit its concept master plan for the redevelopment of the Redfern Block to the NSW Department of Planning. Under state law, the department will have 40 days to accept or reject the project reports Angela Dewan in Precinct South Sydney Edition Issue 4/2007 in November 2007.
Carlton site brews green concerns
The development of a multi-million dollar residential and commercial area in Chippendale is set to go ahead reports Victoria Strobl in Precinct South Sydney Edition Issue 4/2007 in November 2007.
Art wall one way to mend fences with community
The final stage in a two- year upgrade of Eveleigh Street precinct is almost finished reports Katie Hoskins in Precinct South Sydney Edition Issue 4/2007 in November 2007.
Why Bancroft feels right at home with nature
Aboriginal artist Bronwyn Bancroft's home is easy to pick. Even from the street it stands out like a beacon – charmingly bright, colourful and decorative. Inside is no different, with paintings for an upcoming exhibition coveting every inch of waft space reports Katie Hoskins in Precinct South Sydney Edition Issue 4/2007 in November 2007.
Multi-million dollar upgrade for ILC site
The site that once housed Australia's first Aboriginal theatre is under re-construction reports Annabel Boyer in Precinct South Sydney Edition Issue 4/2007 in November 2007.
Language and skills prepare students for brighter future
Chatting happily in a corner of Prince Alfred Park in Sydney's Surry Hills, they look like a typical bunch of cheerful, multicultural Australian kids reports Arsito Hidayatullah in Precinct South Sydney Edition Issue 4/2007 in November 2007.
Souths back but are the fans?
The South Sydney Rabbitohs, one of the founding clubs of rugby league, remains the most successful team in the 100-year history of the annual NRL competition with 20 priemiership titles to their name reports Emily Laurence in Precinct South Sydney Edition Issue 4/2007 in November 2007.
Save Erko - DA Lodged for 2 Story Supermarket Building in Erskineville Village – Closes 15th December 2007
Big business is coming to town. Which do you prefer? Coles? Woolworths? McDonalds? A Development Application has been lodged for a big 2 storey supermarket on the corner of Erskineville Road and Gowrie Street reports this media release from Village Friends in Erskineville.
School happens on model for indigenous learning
A SYDNEY private school believes it has struck pedagogical gold with an innovative solution to educating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children reports Joel Gibson Indigenous Affairs Reporter in the Sydney Morning Herald of November 23, 2007.
Global Television announces move to new TV complex at Australian Technology Park
Australia’s largest independent facilitator of broadcast television, Global Television has announced it will move to the new Television Production Complex at Australian Technology Park in Redfern reports this Global Television media release of 3rd December 2007.
Lyall kicks on after Idol act
Lyall Adonis's turn as one of Australian Idol's top 24 this year put the singer/song- writer in the public view and gave his music a brief window of exposure writes Flip Byrnes on the Southern Courier of 4th December 2007.
Seeking the real Mundine
A STEALTH-BLACK Hummer H2 rolls past the abandoned lots on Vine Street, in Redfern. The driver's window rolls down, and Anthony Mundine sticks out his right hand. Kids swarm the still-moving car to touch it reports Chico Harlan in The Daily Telegraph of December 05, 2007.
Waterloo Storm warning: “We’ll be back again next year!”
Rowena Welsh-Jarrett has played football – rugby union and rugby league – since she was nine years old reports Andrew Collis in the December 2007 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Down and out in Newtown
If you happen to be strolling down King Street on a Monday and you spy a barbecue outside the Newtown Neighbourhood Centre, then pop over and grab a sausage sanger for a small donation reports Nicholas McCallum in the December 2007 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Redfern rapper’s life honoured
A funeral service for 25-year-old musician and producer Nathan Bridger was held at St Saviour’s Church in Redfern on Friday November 23. Mr Bridger passed away earlier in the week after suffering burns in a fire that engulfed the top floors of the former London Tavern on Regent Street reports Andrew Collis in the December 2007 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Tea-lights, sweets and frangipanis for Hindu festival
Tea-light candles and frangipani flowers decorated the entrance to Redfern Community Centre on November 9 when about 100 people attended a celebration of the Festival of Lights – Deepavali reports the December 2007 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
New Slavonic Festival - “A celebration of good life in Australia”
Move aside Newtown, Surry Hills and Leichhardt! Next year will be Sydney’s inaugural Slavonic Festival. A celebration of all things Slavonic, from cabbage rolls, Polish sausage and Czech beer to dance, music and art reports Susannah Palk in the December 2007 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Locals oppose supermarket in Erskineville
A development application has been lodged with the City of Sydney for a two-storey 2138 sqm supermarket on Erskineville Road. The Village Friends are calling for open transparent consultation on the impact of the development reports Ellice Mol in the December 2007 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
The Bard brings new hope to Northcott
Following the successful Sticky Bricks art project in 2006, and then the loss of creative directors Big Hart and Community Development Officer Dominic Grenot, as well as highly valued Crime Prevention Officer Brett Degenhardt – all in the space of a few weeks – the tenants at Northcott Estate experienced something of a void reports Andrew Collis in the December 2007 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Local author wins ASA mentorship
Redfern author Elena Knox has won a prestigious mentorship as part of the Australian Society of Authors (ASA) Mentorship program for 2007-08 reports the December 2007 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Council commends car share schemes
In the 1990s, we were all told to car pool. Now the Sydney City Council is telling us to share reports Ellice Mol in the December 2007 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Profile of an inner-city Liberal
Liberal Councillor Shayne Mallard likes staying as close as he can to the community reports Simon Nichols in the December 2007 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Profile of a first-time voter
Alexander Turnbull of Darlington, a first-time voter in this year’s federal election, has been waiting to play his part in the democratic process since he was six years old. One of his earliest memories is feeling distraught following the 1996 election. He remembers crying and asking his parents, “Where is Mr Keating going to live?” reports Andrew Collis in the December 2007 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Housing not an election issue says inner-city Libs
Report from Have you heard - Fast news Compiled by Trevor Davies in the December 2007 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Plibersek’s increased margin, responsibilities
Increasing her commanding margin in the Sydney electorate to an unassailable 25 per cent, Tanya Plibersek is set to lead the nation as Federal Minister for Housing reports Ben Falkenmire in the December 2007 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Postcode 2016 – a high-risk zone?
It seems there is more trouble for poor old Redfern. Another government department is copping some flak. However, this time it’s not the police – it’s Australia Post reports Nicholas McCallum in the December 2007 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Students’ ideas for adaptive reuse of Gardener’s Lodge
Her Excellency Governor Marie Bashir officially launched the initiative by the Redfern Aboriginal community to process an “Expression of Interest” to lease the former Gardener’s Lodge at the junction of the Sydney University axis and City Road from the Council of the City of Sydney reports Col James in the December 2007 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
South Sydney Community Transport remains
South Sydney Community Transport as been part of the inner-city landscape for a long time. It started its life as part of South Sydney Community Aid and operated out of its original home in the old St Luke’s Church in Regent Street Redfern, later becoming incorporated in about the mid ’90s reports the December 2007 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
“No to Northern Territory intervention!”
Demonstrators took to the streets in Redfern to protest the intervention into Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory reports the December 2007 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
93.7 FM – a voice for Koori people
Koori Radio is highly regarded in the industry as a strong and independent source of news, arts and information for Sydney’s Indigenous community reports Ellice Mol in the December 2007 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Shop owners sweat on Cabinet decision
A lot has changed in Abercrombie Street Darlington with new shops coming on line. There are lots more coffee shops – from one about five years ago – with another coming on line in the next couple of months, as well as a mobile phone shop. It seems that everyone wants to move into Abercrombie Street reports Trevor Davies the December 2007 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Housing Minister avoids questions
The NSW Housing Minister’s media adviser appears to have misinformed the SSH about a meeting between the Minister and property developers in Waterloo, amid residents’ concerns for the future of public housing in the area reports the December 2007 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Urban renewal or social breakdown?
The future of public housing in the Redfern-Waterloo area remains grim in the eyes of many residents as local authorities enter into the next stage of proposed redevelopments reports Candice Chung in the December 2007 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Summer on the Green: All the fun of the fair
The sounds of jazz, hip hop and rhythm and blues will echo around the residential tower blocks of Waterloo public housing estate will take place today as residents from Waterloo, Alexandria, and Redfern and beyond joined with more than thirty community, government and private sector organisations to stage summer on the Green. The event will be use to mark the achievements of the local community and celebrate the Factory community Centres 30 years of service to the Waterloo community reports this media release from the Factory.
TNT Tower to become English College
The GSA Language College have lodged a DA with the Redfern Waterloo Authority to move into one of the TNT towers.
The word is hope
At the end of a week in which the only news about Aboriginal Australia was the legal system's failure to protect a 10-year-old girl gang-raped in Cape York, the scene at Redfern Town Hall on Friday was a timely antidote for despair reports Miranda Devine in the Sydney Morning Herald of 16 December 2007 reporting on the Exodus Centre Graduation.
Sydney Symphony concert for the isolated
IT WAS the final Sydney Symphony concert for 2007, but the first in a series of concerts each year to be attended by disadvantaged fans reports the Sydney Morning Herald of 16 December 2007.
Pokies dumped by Souths Leagues Club
The future of South Sydney Leagues Club will depend on a boost in memberships after it decided to remove its 60 poker machines - although the licences will be retained for a "rainy day" reports AAP on the SMH website on December 20, 2007.
The South Sydney Leagues Club (SSLC) Board has reached a majority decision to have no poker machines in the Club upon completion of the redevelopment in 2008 reports this Press release from Souths on 21 December 2007.
Russell Crowe dumps cheerleaders for children
First Russell Crowe made the decidedly un-Hollywood move of dismissing the cheerleaders at his Sydney rugby league club. Now, continuing his campaign to make the game more family-friendly, the Oscar-winning actor has succeeded in banning gaming machines from the premises of the club, rejecting them as a social evil reports Paul Larter in Brisbane for The Times of London on 21 December 2007.
Blowing Waterloo's stack for green square
WORK on the much-vaunted $1.7 billion Green Square town centre, first mooted in the early 1990s by the Keating government, has finally begun with the demolition of the former Waterloo Incinerator at Zetland reports Wendy Frew the SMH’s Urban Affairs Editor on 1 January 2008.
Redfern’s $28 Million Housing Redevelopment Underway
Minister for Housing, Matt Brown today announced the demolition of old public housing buildings in Redfern is underway to make way for better, greener homes for those in need reports this media release from Matt Brown NSW Minister for Housing on 9 January 2008.
The Demolition Begins as Redfern Gets a Revamp
Public housing in troubled Redfern in Sydney's Inner Suburbs is getting a major facelift reports Victoria Owens on Macquarie National News of 9 January 2008.
Hugh puts his faith in youth
A strong social conscience runs deep in the family of Mosman teenager Hugh Bachmann. He tells Andre Khoury of the Mosman Daily about his passion to make a difference.
$28 million housing boost for Redfern
RUN-DOWN Redfern units will be knocked down and replaced with new, family-friendly, environmentally sustainable homes after a $28 million development was announced last week reports Courier Central of 16 January 2007.
Direct descendants of those who helped found the South Sydney Football Club took part in a 100 year enactment of the creation of the Club at its birthplace the Redfern Town Hall tonight reports this media release from South of 17 January 2007.
Waterloo Green
Housing NSW provides housing assistance to people in need. When there is antisocial behaviour in parks or common areas owned by Housing NSW such as Waterloo Green, Housing will pass on relevant information to NSW Police for their action reports this media release from Matt Brown Minister for Housing in NSW of 20 January 2008.
Community and Rabbitohs to share Redfern Park Oval
The community and the South Sydney Rabbitohs will share Redfern Park Oval, with community on weekends and the Rabbitohs during the week reports Inner Sydney Voice Issue 109 Spring Summer 2007.
Linking Public Housing to Service Support
Over the past two years, The Department of Housing (DoH) has introduced several reforms that will impact heavily on DoH Housing tenants and those services that provide them with support reports Inner Voice in Issue 109 Spring-Summer 2007.
Moore and Sartor trade blows over city brewery site
THE Lord Mayor of Sydney, Clover Moore, has sought assurances from the State Government that money raised from the development of the Carlton & United Breweries site on Broadway will be spent on affordable housing in Redfern reports Sherrill Nixon Urban Affairs Editor Sydney Morning Herald June 10, 2006.
Intervention threatens Foster's development: Moore
The Lord Mayor of Sydney has accused the New South Wales Government of derailing an agreement over the development of the Carlton and United Breweries site on Broadway reports ABC News 9 June 2006.
Police officer named NSW Woman of the Year
A senior policewoman has been named the New South Wales Woman of the Year reports the ABC on 9th March 2007.
Key Redfern Projects Move Forward
Two key urban renewal projects in the Redfern-Waterloo area have taken another step forward with the announcement of a successful tenderer for the Rachel Forster Hospital site, Planning Minister and Minister for Redfern-Waterloo Frank Sartor said today (24th January 2008) in this media release.
File SSH article on John Brogden
The South Sydney Herald article on John Brogden
File OURpark Proposal for Redfern Oval
This article was published in the October 2004 edition of the South Sydney Herald. Written by Ian Thompson from Open Up Redfern Park (OUR Park), it describes the formation of this group and their push for the village green option for redevelopment of Redfern Oval.
Olympian efforts for workers
WHEN the former Olympic chief Juan Antonio Samaranch declared Sydney's 2000 Games the "best ever", the TV cameras cut to the grins on the faces of organising committee bigwigs. But watching at home in his western Sydney living room, one of the unsung champions of the Olympics also had a contented smile reports Andrew West on Les Tobler in the Sydney Morning Herald Australian Day honours January 26-27 2008.
Alive and Active - The Large Erecting Shop Eveleigh Railway Workshops, Redfern
The LES Eveleigh is very much alive and active as a Heritage Railway Workshop with volunteers and staff members engaging in various activities throughout January 2008 reports the January 2008 Update from the Friends of Eveleigh.
Sydney's Top 100
The Sydney Morning Herald's the (sydney) magazine produced a list of Sydney's most influential people for their January 2008 Issue #57. Included in the list were a few identities well known around Redfern including - Dr Naomi Mayers from the AMS; Col James - Architect with long association with the Block; Anthony Mundine boxer and Clover Moore the Lord mayor of Sydney. The extracts on each of these people is provided below:
3801 Ltd Announce new Illawarra Tour service
3801 Ltd, who operate out of the Large Erecting Shop at South Eveleigh, have announced in the media release below that the Cockatoo Run will incorporate the “Illawarra Tree Top Flyer” which is expected to open on 8th March 2008. 3801 Ltd expects to operate this new tourist service every Thursday & Sunday commencing following the opening of the “Illawarra Tree Top Flyer”. The detail of the media release of 3rd February 2008 is below.
Erskineville stories for the big screen
Erskineville Stories is a film made by local artist, Annie Kennedy. It tells the stories of 10 residents who have lived in Erskineville since the 1920s reports the South Sydney Herald of February 2008.
Rosebery residents challenge mega-church
On Friday January 11, around 50 Rosebery residents gathered outside the office of State Labor Member for Heffron, Kristina Keneally. The MP was presented with a petition of over 800 signatures in protest over the proposed Hillsong mega-church to be built on the old RTA site on Rothschild Avenue reports Nicholas McCallum in the South Sydney Herald of February 2008.
Incinerator makes way for civic centre
Demolition work has begun on the disused Waterloo incinerator at Zetland, Green Square – a building that has been at the heart of over 30 years of public planning controversy. The demolition, which is expected to take up to six months, brings to an end debates over how the controversial site could be used reports Sarah Malik in the South Sydney Herald of February 2008.
South Sydney to Hobart
Simon Williams is a Redfern resident and business development officer for TAFE NSW. His job, he says, entails working hard to raise funds for an under-resourced and important educational organisation. Because he works hard he also needs to rest and have fun. Simon’s idea of fun is yachting. This summer marked his seventh Sydney to Hobart. Simon spent three days and 19 hours on board a yacht called Zen reports the South Sydney Herald of February 2008.
City of Sydney supports public tenants
City of Sydney Public Housing Liaison Officer, Dominic Grenot, is developing a public housing plan reports Samantha Van in the South Sydney Herald of February 2008.
Marking time and place - Artist Profile: Michelle Frances Collocott
Michelle Collocott’s residential studio is located at 314 Abercrombie Street, Darlington. An artist of some renown, nationally and internationally, her work (spanning 50 years) incorporates painting, photography, collage, and, of late, horticulture, to express intimate concern for urban and rural environments reports Andrew Collis in the South Sydney Herald of February 2008.
Have You Heard
Trevor Davies in Have You Heard – The fast News in the South Sydney Herald of February 2008 has reported on a number of Redfern Waterloo items.
Human Rights Award for Redfern Legal Centre
The Redfern Legal Centre has won the 2007 Human Rights Award, presented by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission reports Reem Al-Gharabally in the South Sydney Herald of February 2008.
Yabun Festival 2008
Yabun Festival on Australia Day (aka Invasion/Survival Day) not only hosted the best black music in the country and a sea of communities from down the road or down the highway, it featured the makings of the world’s largest poem reports Ben Falkenmire in the South Sydney Herald of February 2008.
Legacy of a “cruel and heartless” government
The STEP ERS program, administered by the Redfern Aboriginal Corporation, has been introduced to replace the successful Community Development Employment Program, which was axed by the Howard Government in mid-2006 reports Carissa Simons in the South Sydney Herald of February 2008.
Missy in action on behalf of the AMS
Pop singer and Aussie icon Missy Higgins took time out from her busy schedule to lend support to the Aboriginal Medical Service in Redfern reports Ben Falkenmire in the South Sydney Herald of February 2008.
Walker Street housing project underway
The State Government’s housing strategy for the Redfern-Waterloo has seen its frst bit of action, with the construction of a new $28 million public housing project in Walker Street, Redfern, beginning last month reports Ben Falkenmire in the South Sydney Herald of February 2008.
Rachel Forster site sold to highest bidder
The former Rachel Forster Hospital at Redfern has been sold at the end of last year, following Planning Minister Frank Sartor’s approval of a concept plan for the $70 million residential redevelopment reports Candice Chung in the South Sydney Herald of February 2008.
Police activities must be monitored
The relationship between the police and many Aboriginals in Redfern-Waterloo is pitiful reports Joseph Correy in the South Sydney Herald of February 2008.
Questions for Redfern Police
The relationship between some of the Aboriginal community and Redfern Police has become so dysfunctional that complaints against officers are rarely made despite claims of rampant harassment circulating Redfern and Waterloo reports Joseph Correy in the South Sydney Herald of February 2008.
Revivalist meeting as Cousins faces his demons
THE Block in Redfern has seen plenty of things in its time, but nothing quite like this. When Ben Cousins, Anthony Mundine and Sonny Bill Williams, clad in shimmering white shirts, appeared apparition-like in the sunlight, it looked for all the world like a revivalist meeting reports AAP on 6th February 2008.
In Line for Honours
A REDFERN-based Aboriginal line dancing troupe are kicking up their heels after winning a national title at The Tamworth Country Music Festival reports Lisa Capozzi in Central 6th February 2008 Page 9.
Clean up this Mess
WATERLOO Green is unsafe and unclean, according to public housing tenants living near the park. They allege an action plan drawn up by residents and Redfern police has been ignored by the Department of Housing (DOH) reports Central of 6th February 2008 page 10.
Nation’s Mental Health Crisis - New report exposes dire situation
URGENT funding increases are required to boost supervised accommodation for the mentally ill nationwide, according to a "revolutionary" new study reports Lisa Capozzi in Central 6th February 2008.
Sydney recognises Sorry Day - 13 Feb 2008
The City of Sydney is working with the State Government to install a large screen in Martin Place in Sydney's CBD on Wednesday 13 February to broadcast the Federal Government's formal apology to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Stolen Generation, Lord Mayor Clover Moore MP announced today reports this City of Sydney media release of 7th February 2008.
Staging place - A workshop for creative regeneration
Sydney's newest performing arts venue celebrated its first birthday last month. The challenge now is to develop an adjacent commercial hub that will fully fund its activities, writes Katrina Strickland in the Australian Financial Review of Thursday 14th February 2008.
Redfern out in force to watch apology, despite rain
The crowd was attentive while the PM gave the apology, and applauded loudly at his use of the word 'sorry' reports Simon Santow for the ABC on Wednesday 13th February 2008.
Speech gets standing ovation in Redfern
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's speech received a standing ovation at the Redfern Community Centre, where hundreds gathered reports Leesha McKenny in the SMH of February 13, 2008.
Apology brings chance to end family violence
ABORIGINAL Australians from all over NSW and Victoria gathered at Redfern last week to help improve support services for Aboriginal men, following the Federal Government's historic apology to the stolen generations reports Lisa Capozzi in Central of 20 February 2008.
Department of Planning Heritage Office Changes Statement
Heritage conservation and management in NSW will be supported through changes to the internal structure of the NSW Department of Planning reports this media statement from the department of Planning of 19 February 2008.
Protest against intervention
AS A military marching band played on the forecourt of Parliament House to a thin crowd of tourists, a group of thousands gathered metres away to protest against the federal intervention in the Northern Territory reports Yuko Narushima in the SMH of February 13, 2008.
Heritage advisers will take on development under office amalgamation
THE body responsible for providing heritage advice to the State Government will be folded into the Department of Planning in a move critics fear could seriously undermine protection of heritage buildings and sites in NSW reports Wendy Frew Urban Affairs Editor February 19, 2008.
Ready to Rock - Redfern's red carpet ride
When the stars hit the red carpet at this year’s MTV Awards, they’ll put Eveleigh and Redfern on the international stage. But several local projects are also helping this area move forward in leaps and bounds reports Lisa Capozzi in the cover story of Central of 27th February 2008 with photos (including a front page of RWA CEO Robert Domm with guitar and train) by Phil Rogers, Melanie Russell.
Action Needed Now
Residents near Waterloo Green say the NSW Department of Housing is dragging its feet on a possible solution to antisocial behaviour reports Robert Burton-Bradley with Picture by Phil Rogers in Central of 27th February 2008
Whistle Blows on Rail History
SYDNEY faces the loss of significant rail and Labor union movement history unless more is done to preserve the Eveleigh rail yards, local group Friends of Eveleigh (FOE) has said. At the centre of the debate is the heritage listed Large Erecting Shop, the only remaining building at the rail yards still mostly intact and performing it's original function, according to FOE and the National Trust reports Robert Burton-Bradley with Picture by Tlmothy Clapin in Central of 27th February 2008
FORMER high-ranking Hillsong member Leigh Coleman has been accused of deliberately misleading the public and the media as the battle for Rosebery's future intensifies reports Robert Burton-Bradley in Central of 27th February 2008.
Mural's resurrection opens scars
A PLAN to renovate a Redfern community centre and invite Aboriginal artists to repaint a destroyed mural has reopened old wounds in the rapidly changing suburb, pitting some residents against members of the indigenous community writes Sunanda Creagh Urban Affairs Reporter of the SMH on March 4, 2008.
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