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RedWater News

The Redfern and Waterloo Neighbourhood Advisory Boards produce a bi-monthly newsletter called RedWater News. RedWater is distributed to every household on the Redfern and Waterloo estates and is now also available by email. An Editorial Committee made up of tenants, the HCAP worker, and the worker from the University of New South Wales Community Development Project produce the newsletter. RedWater News publishes articles of interest to tenants including local tenant initiatives, tenancy issues, tenant profiles, local events and activities. The Editorial Committee would be pleased to accept articles or information on your service, advertisements, photos or any other information relevant to public housing tenants in Redfern and Waterloo. For further information contact Orna Marks, Housing Communities Assistance Program (HCAP), The Factory Community Centre 67 Raglan St Waterloo 2017 Ph: 9698-9569 Fax: 9310-4141 Email:
File April 2006
This is the first electronic version of RedWater news. PDF 163 KB.
File July 2006
This is the July 2006 Edition of Redwater News. PDF 237 KB - Articles include Department of Housing Access, Allocation and Tenure Policy Proposal / Alternatives to high cost credit / What has HCAP been up to? / Revenge on the Telemarketer / We want your voice ! / Redfern Computer Centre has a New Home / Alexandria Park Community School Information Morning / South Sydney Community Aid has found a new home / News from the Waterloo Recycling Workshop / Local Playgroups / around the precincts of redfern / The South Sydney Aboriginal Resource Corporation has relocated to PCYC / The Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Basketball Association is looking for expressions of interest to enter teams into the: 1st Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander NATIONAL Basketball Championships / around the precincts of waterloo / A Few Basic Figures on Waterloo - Redfern Public Housing / community noticeboard
File October 2006
This is the October 2006 Edition of Redwater News. PDF 831 KB - Articles include: dehumanisation / Department of Housing High Rise Strategy Project / Do you need assistance accessing fresh fruit and vegies? / Mental health consumers(Eastern Zone) article / Take me off your list – direct marketing / Waterloo honours the late Joan Russell /Redfern-Waterloo Built Environment Plan / around the precincts of waterloo – reports from each of the housing precints / Danks Street Festival / Melbourne Cup Day / Volunteer Opportunities / Free fun at your local playgroup! / Are you being heard? / TAFE Outreach / The Factory Community Centre / Waterloo Library
File February 2007
This is the February 2007 Edition of Redwater News. PDF 813 KB. Articles include: Allocations and Social Housing / Housing Appeal Committee / Michael M Shreenan – New HCAP Community Development Worker / Reshaping Public Housing – Changes to Types & Length of leases / around the precincts / Consumers and Consultants / We want You Plants and Peace / Photo Voices / Farewell to my friend Don Grave / A new Lions Club / The Best rooster story / community noticeboard
File July 2007
This is the "new look" July 2007 Edition of Redwater News. (PDF 2.4 Mb). Articles include: Green Light for the redevelopment of Elizabeth Street / Precinct Letters / Redfern Waterloo needs you / Noel Person Food for thought / Artwork in Progress / Photo Voices / Walk more feel the difference / Tongue in Cheek / Snippets / Take care - police comments on avoiding bag snatches / Useful Contacts and local services and activities.
File December 2007
This is the December 2007 edition of Redwater News - File is 856 KB PDF. Articles in this issue include: National Indigenous Development Centre / Waterloo’s Summer on the Green – Friday 7th December 2007 / The changing face of Redfern and Waterloo / DOH Pottery Team goes Functional / Volunteer Formal Recognition is Coming / Waterloo Green Action Plan has arrived ! / Factory / R.I.C.H.S.S / Redfern and Waterloo Photo Voice Group / Precinct Letters / Requesting Maintenance / Useful Contacts – This will be the last Edition of the REDWATER NEWS until additional funding is secured.
File July 2007
This is the July 2008 edition of Redwater News - File is 1.3 MB PDF. The PDF version of Redwater News contains material which is not in the printed edition due to cost constraints. Articles in this issue include: ‘ANTI-SOCIAL’ BEHAVIOUR - WE GET IT, THEY DON’T / Waterloo Kids 'Good Dog Bad Dog' / IS IT FAREWELL TO REDWATER NEWS ? / Is Your Child Starting School Next Year? / Congratulations Larry Billington / Local Heros / Reading is important / Waterloo Green Landscape Plan update / Rent rebates: Danger for Housing NSW tenants / USEFUL CONTACTS / The Factory Community Centre Activities / Additional Snippets electronic edition only / Redfern Community Health Centre Relocation / Legal Advice / OVERVIEW OF TENANT FRAUD LEGISLATION - Alison Morgan / Housing NSW (Department of Housing) checking tenants get right rent rebates / Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal / Residential Tenancies Act / USA JAIL - SOME INTERESTING READING / REDWatch / Italian-Australian Heritage / Happy 40th Birthday South Sydney Community Aid Coop Ltd / NAIDOC Week / The Mass Exodus / Housing NSW Youth Scholarships / Father of the year / Last Friday of the Month / RWA Human Services