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Lincs Directory

Find a Service using the Local Information Network for Community Services (LINCS) which contains information submitted by local councils. This is also the database used by Docs for the Parent Services Directory. Within the City of Sydney LGA the database is styled as the "City of Sydney Community Services Directory".

Lincs is an information service which contains information contributed by local councils including the City of Sydney. The online service allows you to find a wide range of community services in your area by entering your suburb. It can be used by councils to produce printed directories of services. Each of the links below will open a new window at www.datadiction.com.au which hosts the Lincs service. To return to the REDWatch site just close the search window.

Click on your suburb below to have it at the centre of your search

A full list of City of Sydney Locations can be found at www.datadiction.com.au/bin/dd.dll/Lincs?xps&MBR=SYD