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Media Articles on Redfern Waterloo

This is a selection of major news items about Redfern Waterloo from various media outlets. The AHC also has a good selection of the stories about the Block in their media news section at You can get up to date news by setting up a Google News alert at News Alerts will not pick up local media and some mainstream media stories which do not appear on a news website, where possible we put these stories on our website to provide wide access to the stories.
The great Marrickville debate
Residents from the seat of Marrickville gathered at the Newtown Neighbourhood Centre in February to hear from Labor incumbent Carmel Tebbutt and competing candidates, in an open forum chaired by venerable feminist and academic Eva Cox.
ALP Secretary nervous about election
Mark Arbib, the New South Wales ALP General Secretary, said the ALP was not playing the underdog score card and did in fact feel very nervous about the election at a Fabian Society evening held in late February reports Ben Falkenmire in the South Sydney Herald of March 2007.
Political Profile: Clover Moore seeks double-decade
Time seems to have lent its worldly hand to Clover Moore, without draining away any of her energy reports Ben Falkenmire in the South Sydney Herald of March 2007.
Political Profle: Linda Scott makes her run
Australian Labor Party candidate for the seat of Sydney, Linda Scott, believes the 2007 NSW state election will be a difficult one reports Reem Aigharabali in the South Sydney Herald of March 2007.
John McInerney’s change of climate
In January, The City Hub reported that John McInerney, former town planner and City of Sydney Councillor, is going to stand for the lower house seat of Heffron reports the South Sydney Herald of March 2007.
Greens support for redfern Gym
Mundine’s Gym lost its ATSIC (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission) funding some time ago, but continues to serve the community in spite of difficulties reports the South Sydney Herald of March 2007. Every afternoon lots of local kids go there – free of charge – to stay healthy. Over the last couple of months people have been encouraged to help out by giving a donation to the Gym to cover the cost of training the kids. In January it was Tanya Plibersek, the local Federal Member, who came to the party.
CUB site on Broadway approved
Last month, just six weeks out from the election, the State Government approved the plans for the Carlton United site on Broadway reports Trevor Davies in the South Sydney Herald of March 2007.
Frank hits a high note - good news for live music.
The live music scene in NSW is set to receive a new and much fairer regulatory system, after Planning Minister Frank Sartor and the Iemma Government implemented amendments to the Local Government Act including a streamlined process to regulate entertainment in NSW and bring us more into line with other states reports John Wardle in the South Sydney Herald of March 2007.
Yaama Dhinawan Hospitality Training Now Enrolling
Let Sydney grow or lose $6b: developers
DEVELOPERS have fired a shot at conservationists as the state election approaches, warning that NSW stands to lose $6.6 billion worth of investment over the next term of government if Sydney is not allowed to grow reports Catharine Munro and Sunanda Creagh in the Sydney Morning Herald of February 26, 2007.
The City of Sydney today officially gave the ‘thumbs-up’ to begin moving to tender for the new urban renewal area at Green Square, which is set to become Australia’s newest vibrant, dynamic and sustainable urban centre — an eco-village reports a media release from the Lord Mayor Clover Moore on 23 February 2007.
GREENS - Heffron - Is Labor Selling Public Land to Fund Political Advertising
Ben Spies-Butcher, Greens candidate for Heffron, today questioned the timing of the Redfern Waterloo Authority’s (RWA) latest update, which was delivered to the mailboxes of local residents this week says this media release dated 22 February 2007 from the Greens.
Indigenous city housing scrapped
PUBLIC housing for Aborigines in cities will be scrapped under a radical Howard government proposal to be put to cabinet reports Patricia Karvelas in the Australian of February 22, 2007.
Greens reveal concerns about public housing future
The Greens have called for the Government to "come clean" on Redfern public housing, following the failure of the Redfern-Waterloo Authority (RWA) to release details of its Built Environment Plan reports Cara Davis in the Southern Courier of 20 February 2007.
Lord Mayor Clover Moore MP has called on the State Government and the Redfern Waterloo Authority (RWA) to guarantee that more than $1.8 billion worth of expected development will include provision for essential community facilities and open space reports a media release from the Lord Mayor Clover Moore on 19 February 2007.
Supporting Redfern/Waterloo Communities
I have written to the Minister for Redfern-Waterloo to raise concerns about the Redfern-Waterloo Authority's (RWA) plans to develop new "One Stop Shop" service providers that could duplicate the role and services of existing neighbourhood, community and youth centres writes Clover Moore in CLOVER'S eNEWS - Friday 16 February 2007 - No. 334.
Despite Frank objections, Debnam stays silent on ban
THE NSW Opposition yesterday pledged to establish an independent review of political donations and campaign expenditure for state and local government elections in NSW writes Anne Davies State Political Editor with Sunanda Creagh in the Sydney Morning Herald of February 12, 2007.
Libs urge 'open' development planning
The NSW opposition has called for more transparency in the state's development planning process reports AAP on February 11, 2007.
Go-ahead for $3.2bn city overhauls
PLANS for a major redevelopment of two key Sydney CBD sites have been approved, the State Government announced yesterday reports Hannah Edwards in the Sun Herald 11th February 2007.
Coalition to give councils more power
THE NSW Opposition plans to dramatically curtail the state's powers to take over planning approval of large developments and return them to councils if it wins government next month reports Anne Davies the Sydney Morning Heralds State Political Editor on February 10, 2007.
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