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Council plans for a new Darlington

Councillor John McInerney responds to the May SSH article on Abercrombie Street, Darlington in the South Sydney Herald of June 2009.

The City has put aside $900,000 in our 2009/10 draft budget, which is currently on exhibition, for streetscape improvement and beautification in Abercrombie Street, Darlington. Plans for work will be developed in consultation with the community, including local business owners, for public domain works which could include new street trees, planting and landscaping. It will be a similar scope to our current project in Stanley Street, East Sydney, which is designed to minimise construction impacts and maximise the improvement for the local community.

The City will work with the community - including local business owners - to finalise the scope of the proposed works before commencing work which is scheduled for the end of 2009.

The City is also renewing the Ian Kernan Reserve on the corner of Abercrombie and Shepherd streets, with a design Council approved unanimously following significant input from local residents. Work is scheduled to begin later this year. Key elements of the design are:

·       a community garden;

·       improved access from Abercrombie Street through the park;

·       additional children’s and toddler play areas;

·       a basketball hoop; and

·       barbeques facilities, additional seating and new plants and landscaping.

Note: Our May article incorrectly referred to the need for a lighting “orbit”. The sentence ought to have read: “Mr Packham suggested a lighting audit for the street ‘a must’ for pedestrians travelling between the train station and the University at night.”

Source: South Sydney Herald June 2009