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Draft Waterloo South People and Place Consultation - Extended until 14 June 2024

The Draft People and Place Plan released on 17 April by Homes NSW Housing Portfolio for input from tenants, stakeholders and community. It describes how the NSW Government and the renewal partner will work together with the community to realise positive outcomes for the people and places in Waterloo South. This document includes the following focus areas: Relocations and support, Human services, Connecting with Country and Place making and management. Feedback on the draft plan was open until Friday 14 June 2024.

The draft plan is on the REDWatch website at Draft Waterloo South People and Place Plan | For feedback until 14 June 2024 and is also available on the Homes NSW  Waterloo website

You can provide your feedback to Homes NSW by email to or over the phone by calling (02) 9384 4134.

You can also visit the Waterloo Connect office located at 95 Wellington Street, Waterloo to receive a hard copy of the plan or provide your feedback in person. The Waterloo Connect Office is open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10am to 4pm.

Homes NSW Next steps

Once the feedback period has closed, Homes NSW will review all input and finalise the People and Place Plan and make it public.

Homes NSW will then continue to work with tenants, stakeholders, community and the renewal partner to deliver on the actions outlined in the plan.

REDWatch Note:

This Draft Plan brings together consultations Homes NSW (LAHC) have had over the last 8+ years as well as consultant reports commissioned by LAHC. The reports from some of these consultations and consultants have not been made public so this is the first chance people have to review what Homes NSW Housing Portfolio (LAHC) have heard or decided from these consultations. 

It is hence important that tenants and services review this draft and comment on any omissions or proposed responses to issues of concern. The current Waterloo Human Services Collaborative Action Plan deals only with human services issues currently impacting tenants. The People and Place Plan needs to deal with all the issues that might impact tenants as a result of the redevelopment. This includes relocations and the building and operating of the new social housing. It also needs to deal with the impact of the redevelopment and associated social dislocation and redevelopment impacts on the area outside the immediate Waterloo South Redevelopment area.

It is expected in the lead up to the end of May that there will be opportunities organised by Groundswell agencies and the Waterloo Redevelopment Group for agencies and tenants to discuss this report.

Homes NSW Housing Portfolio are not planning to run any "consultation sessions" they are looking for feedback on the plan rather than running formal sessions.

REDWatch will facilitate a session on the Draft People and Place Report  at its May monthly meeting at 6pm on Thursday 2nd May at Counterpoint's Factory Community Centre, 67 Raglan Street Waterloo and on Zoom.