News Since Last RWIU
News since last Redfern Waterloo Issues Update.
- REDWatch Unpacks the Stockland Consortium Waterloo Redevelopment Announcement
- A few days on from the announcement that Stockland, Link Wentworth, City West Housing and Birribee are Homes NSW's preferred partners for developing Waterloo, REDWatch has provided the links and some analysis of that announcement.
- Homes NSW Advise Tenants Stockland Consortium is Waterloo South Developer
- In keeping with undertakings to tenants, Homes NSW Minister Rose Jackson advised Waterloo tenants that a decision has been made on the successful consortium to develop Waterloo South. A message to tenants read: Dear Residents of Waterloo. Rose Jackson, the Minister for Housing has some important information to share with you regarding the Waterloo South Renewal Project. Please click the link to read the letter. The text of the letter is provided below. A media statement was issued the next day along with further information for tenants and agencies. These are also provided below.
- Stockland ASX Announcement: Waterloo Renewal Project Preferred Proponent
- Below is the announcement at 6:50pm on 8 August 2024 by Stockland to the Australian Stock Exchange that its consortium was the selected by Homes NSW as the preferred proponent to deliver the Waterloo Renewal Project with Homes NSW
- Clothing Store Precinct North Eveleigh - Now Homes NSW Social and Affordable Housing Development
- On 1 July 2024 following the statewide audit of government land, a former clothing store precinct in the heart of Sydney is among the first of four sites identified as being suitable to deliver much needed social and affordable housing stock. This is the media release for that announcement.
- Some further REDWatch comments on the People and Place Plan
- These are some further comments by REDWatch, circulated in our email update 0f 27 May 2024 regarding Homes NSW's Draft People and place plan, which is open for feedback until14 June 2024.
- Focus Group Questions for Draft Waterloo South People and Place Plan
- These questions were used for discussion groups at the REDWatch Meeting 2nd May 2024. The questions may help people think about their own responses to the Draft People and Place Place Plan which is open for feedback until the end of May 2024.
- REDWatch Initial comments on the People and Place Plan
- This Draft Plan brings together consultations Homes NSW (LAHC) have had over the last 8+ years as well as consultant reports commissioned by LAHC. The reports from some of these consultations and consultants have not been made public so this is the first chance people have to review what Homes NSW Housing Portfolio (LAHC) have heard or decided from these consultations.
- Dealing with our inner NIMBY and the housing challenge
- In the lead up to the REDWatch meeting with Council on "How should we plan for growth?" in April 2024, the REDWatch Update email provided the following background to the issues facing communities. As we have received good feedback on the the article we have reproduced it on our website.
- Silvester Fuller wins Design Competition for 600-660 Elizabeth Street Redfern (now known as Redfern Place) market housing building
- In this media release of 28 February, Bridge Housing not only announces the winner of the design Competition for the site's market housing they also advise that the site will be known as Redfern Place which will "comprise four buildings, including a community space, market and key worker housing, affordable housing, NDIS and social housing, and the new home for Bridge Housing's head office as it returns to its roots in Redfern".
- A summary of the City of Sydney’s draft submission on NSW Government’s proposed changes to create low and mid-rise housing
- The City of Sydney, at the request of resident groups, has supplied the following Summary of the key issues in the Council submission.
- Back to basics: Social housing maintenance call centre back in public hands
- This media statement of 13 November 2023 sets out the major changes proposed to public housing maintenance to come into effect mid 2024. This was a major focus of many questions to the Minister for Homes NSW and the CEO at the REDWatch meeting of 5 February 2024.
- Homes NSW Launch Statement
- This is the media statement of 2 February 2024, issued by Minister Rose Jackson, about the launching of Homes NSW.
- Minister Jackson's message to tenants about Homes NSW
- This message to tenants from Minster Jackson was sent on February 1 2024 on the launch of Homes NSW. The email also contains a link to a Homes NSW information page at More information will be available at the REDWatch meeting on February 5th 2024.
- Rebecca Pinkstone named as inaugural head of Homes NSW
- The Government has just announced the new head of Homes NSW which is to start operation on 1 February 2024. Homes NSW will be established within the department of Communities and Justice. The text of the DCJ media release of 21 December 2023 is provided below.
- Waterloo Consortia down to the Stockland and Lendlease consortia
- LAHC have announced that the Stockland and Lendlease consortia have been shortlisted to undertake the Waterloo public housing redevelopment with a final decision on the successful tenderer expected mid 2024.
- Explorer Street South Eveleigh public housing rezoning proposal - exhibition until 1st December 2023
- The Explorer Street South Eveleigh public housing rezoning proposal is on exhibition until Friday 1 December extended from 17 November 2023. The area proposed for redevelopment includes social housing dwellings on Explorer Street, Station Place and Aurora Place, but not nearby properties in Rowley Street, which are managed by Bridge Housing. Here you will find information about the exhibition. This page was updated with new information on the DPE webinar recording and Council's submission on 17 November 2023.
- Explorer Street Rezoning Issues for Consideration
- This page has been prepared by REDWatch to assist people in preparing their submissions about the Explorer Street Rezoning which closes on 1 December 2023. It covers background context to the proposal including on broader government policy that impacts the rezoning. It also covers the intended effects and identifies issues raised by the community.
- Towards a Social Impact Assessment (SIA) for Waterloo
- Eight years into the Waterloo redevelopment there has still not been a Social Impact Assessment (SIA), it is not required until the first Development Application (DA) probably in 2025. The Department of Planning undertook a SIA for the rezoning of public housing at Explorer Street Eveleigh in 2023 using the state government’s SIA requirements as part of a joint SIA and Social infrastructure study. As the Eveleigh site has an existing public housing community that will be impacted, the findings of that SIA portion gives us a good starting point to think about what should be covered in a Waterloo SIA. The social infrastructure element of the Eveleigh report is site specific and is not readily comparable to Waterloo.
- Have your say on rezoning plans for Explorer Street in Eveleigh
- This media release was issued on Friday 13 October 2023 by Paul Scully, Minister for Planning and Public Spaces and Rose Jackson Minister for Housing about the rezoning exhibition until 17 November for Explorer Street Eveleigh.
- REDWatch Co-ordination Group Report for 2022-2023